suzanne jackson

  1. Perpetual Man

    Review: The Beguiler by Suzanne Jackson

    This is not my normal type of book, which is probably why I enjoyed it as much as I did. Change, as they say, is as good as a rest. If I may take a moment to say, and it is not often that I like to fall into this pit, after all you cannot judge a book by the cover, the cover does pay a large...
  2. crystal haven

    The Beguiler - article in the Writing Magazine

    I'm very happy. Along with Teresa Edgerton I have an article in the June issue of the Writing Magazine in Dolores Gordon Smith's column: How I got published.
  3. crystal haven

    The Beguiler - Interview with Suzanne Jackson

    Hi, everyone. I have an interview up on SFFWorld where I talk a little about my book The Beguiler. Thank you, Shellie Horst. :) The Beguiler – Interview with Suzanne Jackson
  4. Teresa Edgerton

    The Beguiler—now available in paperback at Amazon (and the ebook, too)..

    Well, it turns out that Amazon jumped the gun and has released the paperback edition of Suzanne Jackson's The Beguiler already. Not that we are complaining. Ever since I read the sample chapters Suzanne sent me, more than a year ago, I've been anticipating the day that we could publish this...
  5. Gary Compton

    The Beguiler by Suzanne Jackson - Very Limited Signed Dust-Jacketed Hardback...

    Suzanne and I have been friends for eons and she beta'd the Fourth Reich when I couldn't write proppa, like what I can dee now. So it is with great pleasure I can announce this exciting dust-jacketed hardback. There will be some stuff in it that you can only read in the hardback edition. So why...
  6. Teresa Edgerton

    Sample Chapter — The Beguiler, by Suzanne Jackson

    CHAPTER ONE Rebecca I know how they murder a witch. I’ve seen the gallows, and the crowds that gather to see a girl put to death. A witch killed the barber’s son, up at Blackberry Wood. His body drifted to the edge of the water, the little inlet that’s choked with weed. He floated...
  7. Teresa Edgerton

    Cover Reveal (and free ARCs) The Beguiler

    Coming in February, 2017 THE BEGUILER by Suzanne Jackson (our own crystal haven) If you enjoy romantic fantasy and would like a free ARC in return for an honest review, please contact me in this thread or a private message. Back cover copy: Rebecca Vasteer has a dangerous secret: she’s a...