Star Trek 3D Chess Board


New Member
Nov 11, 2006

I was recently cleaning out my garageand found a 3d tridimensional star trek chess board boxed with 24 carat gold and sterlign silver palted pieces.

I have never used it and was wondering if anyoen had any idea how much I should list it for on eBay and what reservei should place on it.

thanks in advance


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Hi Starrytrekky - welcome to the Chronicles. If I were you I'd hang on to it. Might be worth a fortune in years to come.
It could be yours, of course, but as I write there is a set for sale on eBay at the moment from a British seller (not me). Currently at £54.09 (c. $103)

There is also a "Buy it Now" for $499 from Australia. The rules alone are selling (Buy it Now) for $10.
A quick look brought this to the fore:

Star Trek Franklin Mint 3D Tridemsional Chess XC Gold, £200 - I have to say I would guessed something of that order myself.

Good luck with the sale :D

Oh, Gosh! Just noticed, the original enquiry was 3 years ago. Which means the price has shot up from 50 dollars in three short years -- I don't belieeeeeve it :eek:
I have the old 2D set with the glass board. I wanted it, but I never got the Tri-Dimensional one.
RODDERS we live in fbks ak,have a 3d chess set complete,minus the box the main board was in.We are interested in selling,if u or anyone else who logs on this is interested, contact us.
Thank you and have a great day.
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When friends and I went to see the first STAR TREK movie in 1979, we got there hours before the film started on opening day, so we played 3-D chess (replica from series) to pass the time inside the theater. The employees allowed us to play on top of the ticket stub box, and the crowd applauded the winners of each game, I won two out of eleven games that were played. :)

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