Discussion Thread - 100 Word Anon Writing Challenge - Nov 2014


Shropshire, U.K.
Feb 13, 2006
Shropshire, U.K.
This is the discussion thread the November 100 anon challenge.

Please PM stories to me. I'll post them in the entry thread.

I think springs method in the inaugural 100 anon challenge of informing the author of 'over 100 word' entries and giving them one window to correct is a good idea and I'll do the same.

What do people think about formatting? The new forum software seems to put in extra space lines here and there that can sometimes detract from an entry. I'd be happy to edit to ensure that there was just a single line between each paragraph. But that would be the only change I'd make. Everything else would remain the same. Thoughts?

I'll be around most of the time on weekdays so entries should appear soon after I receive the PM. Weekends there may be some delay. If a weekend submission hasn't gone up by, say, mid-day on Monday then email me in case the PM has gone astray. Also, I'll reply to each PM just so the author knows it's been received.

I'll make absolutely sure that I'm around for the hours leading up to midnight on the 19th, just to catch any late entries and put up the poll.

Robert Mackay's choice for November:

Theme: The Last of Its Kind
Genre: Science Fiction or Fantasy

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Hey, mosaix! It all sounds good! I like the theme choice--should allow for a fine diversity of stories. I don't have the line-spacing problem when I post stories, but I will go with whatever everyone else decides.
I suspect the 75 worder has diverted attention away from the 100 worder, so hopefully things will pick up here in a few days! I'll hold off submitting a story for awhile. Looking forward to the challenge! CC
First two entries in.

A minor point. Can every one make sure they give a title to their entry, just so I can have something to put in the poll to identify the piece? Being an anonymous challenge I won't be able to use your name.
skips from foot to foot doing the i am thinking up a story dance...
Another entry submitted.

It is so difficult to stop myself giving the game away by posting things like "I've just submitted Fred Blogg's entry." :eek:

BTW if anyone has any worries about italics, bold, underlining etc. in their story not coming across in the PM please don't hesitate to include some additional notes for me. :)
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Mosaix, I think the worst part for you will be when voting starts and you have to read all the guesses and comments! :D

Thanks for doing this, by the way.

Not complaining really, Juliana. :)

Hardest part is stopping my fingers trying to write my own entry!
Heh, I meant worst as in wanting to comment and not being able to!! I think it would drive me nuts. :p

As for your own entry, why can't you...? Ah, I see what you're doing. Misdirection. Nice! Naughty, but nice!
Misdirection? Not really, Juliana. The person doing the posting of the entries knows each author and so their voting wouldn't be on an 'anonymous' basis. So, if my memory serves me correctly, they wouldn't contribute and entry either. I hope that's right anyway, because I'm itching to write a story for this one.

Anyway the fourth story is up. :)
Hey mosaix, you can write one. Springs did I think. You just can't vote :)
Did Springs write one? Hope so. I'm going to have a look.

Edit: You're right! Yipee!

Of course Juliana may be right all along, this is just an elaborate double bluff and I've already posted my entry.
Sorry about that, Victoria. Anyone else got the same problem?

I suggest that I ask the author for a text version of the entry and I'll post it here in the discussion thread rather than have a confusing duplicate entry.

In the meantime the fifth entry is up.
when i try to open the file it says i don't have permission to view it..
i think the file permissions are set to private.. like what happens in the photo challenge sometimes.
but you really don't want to change all your permissions to public, though...
perhaps a mod could copy and paste it? in the same window?
so kerry juliana victoria and me are not friendlys of mysterious number four, but mosaics and springs are....

very interesting..

makes notes for guesses.. :D
