alan campbell

  1. A

    Scar Night

    Scar Night Alan Campbell Bantam, Dec 26 2006, $22.00 ISBN 0553384163 Chains hold the city of Deepgate precariously above a bottomless abyss. The founders did so to worship the God of Chains Ulcis and as a means to keep the raiding barbarians from the city’s gates. The Archon, fallen angels...
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    Iron Angel

    Iron Angel Alan Campbell Bantam, May 2008, $25.00 ISBN 9780553384178 Considered impregnable and thus invincible, war came to the city held over a bottomless abyss by chains, Deepgate. Shockingly a betrayal has led to the defeat of the unconquerable as most of the suspension chains have been...
  3. A

    God Of Clocks-Alan Campbell

    God Of Clocks Alan Campbell Bantam, Apr 2009, $25.00 ISBN: 9780553384185 The King of Hell Menoa appears on the brink of achieving what would have been universally thought of as impossible over the past eons. The god appears ready to take over Heaven and therefore the universe and recreate it in...
  4. Werthead

    The Deepgate Codex Trilogy by Alan Campbell

    Book One: Scar Night The city of Deepgate is suspended by chains over a vast abyss. At the bottom of the abyss dwells Ulcis, the fallen god, who collects the souls fed to him by the priests of Deepgate to forge a new army of the dead, an army which will break open the gates of heaven and end...