alastair reynolds

  1. Rodders

    Machine Vendetta by Alistair Reynolds

    I've just seen that there is a new Prefect Dreyfus book called "Machine Vendetta" coming for January 2024. "Panoply is a small, efficient police force, dedicated to maintaining the rule of democracy among the ten thousand disparate city-states orbiting the planet Yellowstone. Ingvar Tench...
  2. Coragem

    Inhibitor Phase

    Has anyone read INHIBITOR PHASE by Alastair Reynolds? If so, what do you reckon? While I still read quite a bit of SF, it's been a while since I've read Reynolds specifically, or his kind of chunky (or, er, bloated) SF in general. I really loved all the Revelation Space novels many years ago...
  3. Rodders

    Detonation Boulevard

    I just saw this new short story on the website by Alistair Reynolds called Detonation Boulevard. In a cosmic rally race winding 12,000 kilometers across Io’s treacherous surface in just 60 hours, all while dodging the competition, fatigue, and violent lava geysers—there’s only one way...
  4. P

    (Partly Found... Probably?) Two books about two different cities. Can't remember titles

    The first one was about a city with a spire that went to space. There were lvls with angels that lived at the top with great technology. But one died and fell to the lower levels in the start of the book. Also later on there were airships and war with them. The next city also had layers...
  5. S

    (Found) - Can't remember the title of an Alastair Reynolds book.

    Four colony ships set out from Earth, one blew up. The main character is a nut case. He finds a fifth "ship" that is one of the Grub aliens. It's in the Revelation space universe. I can't remember the title. Please help.
  6. Vertigo

    New book(s) from Alastair Reynolds

    I've not seen mention of this on the Chrons but interesting for Reynolds fans: From his blog: "Last week I completed the first set of revisions on Eversion, and the novel (now around 85,000 words) has now gone back to my editor. If all goes smoothly, there will be one more round of edits then...
  7. Rodders

    Inhibitor Phase

    Werthead recently announced that Alistair Reynolds has turned in a new novel set in the Revelation Space universe. Called Inhibitor Phase, I’ll definitely pick up a copy. Now there is a cover, I thought it’s be worth posting here. I’m not sure of the release date, but I hope it’s better than...
  8. Vertigo

    Minlas’s Flowers by Alastair Reynolds

    This is a novella that I decided to read as it provides a prequel to his Merlin stories which I thought I’d read in chronological order rather than published order. With a damaged spaceship Merlin is forced to take refuge on a planet with an intractable war in progress. With his superior...
  9. TheClockmaker

    Alastair Reynolds & Essa Hansen - Q&A and Conversation

    Hi everyone, Recently Reynolds and Essa Hansen did an amazing conversation covering a wide range of topics, including a Q&A section that answered a lot of questions regarding their ways of writing and inspirations. You can find the full recording on the below link: Alastair Reynolds & Essa...
  10. TheClockmaker

    All books set in the Revelation Space universe

    Hello, I'm new here so apologies if I'm asking an already answered question, but I couldn't find the answer myself. Also, move it if it's in the wrong forum. In the last few months, I've gone through the following books from the Revelation Space collection (in no particular order after the...
  11. Vertigo

    Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds

    It is the end of a long and brutal religious war and Scur, a conscripted soldier, doing her best to fight with some semblance of humanity, has been captured and tortured by a known war criminal despite the ceasefire. Expecting only death she is surprised to wake up on a transport starship taking...
  12. B

    (Found) AI that makes clockwork traps, man pig cop and other oddities

    I'm trying to find a novel i read sometime around 2006. It involves a space policeman, his man-pig partner, multiple space stations each with their own society, an a.i. that makes clockwork boobytraps and a conspiracy amongst his fellow officers. There are also two other forms of evolved...
  13. T

    (Found) Generation ship, fleet with limited inter-ship contact, alien joins fleet

    OK I'm looking for a generation ship novel where there's a fleet of mostly independent ships that are moving together toward the destination (which I forget) Each ship has evolved different cultures/governments and they don't fully trust each other, but still exchange info, resources, & visit...
  14. Vertigo

    The Medusa Chronicles by Stephen Baxter and Alastair Reynolds

    The Medusa Chronicles is a sequel to Arthur C Clarke’s novella A Meeting with Medusa (which I quickly read before this book), and I suspect you are always going to be taking a chance writing a sequel today (2016) to a story written so long ago (1971) and I think that this book suffers from that...
  15. Vertigo

    Review: Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds

    Bella Lind and her crew of the Rockhopper push ice; that is they attach crude drives to icy comets and send them on their way to the inner solar system. But when Janus, one of Saturn’s moons, proves itself to be something very different by abruptly heading out of the solar system at high speed...
  16. Vertigo

    Review: Revenger by Alastair Reynolds

    Arafura and Adrana are teenagers who don’t much like their family life and so decide to run away and join a solar light sail powered spaceship, make their fortunes and return to bale out their impoverished father. That’s the idea anyway; of course nothing ever works out quite according to plan...
  17. Vertigo

    Elysium Fire

    In case any Reynolds fans haven't noticed there is a sequel - Elysium Fire - to The Prefect (and maybe more, who knows) being published next January which I'm very much looking forward to; I thought the Prefect was great and one of my favourite of his books set in the Revelation Space universe...
  18. Vertigo

    Poseidon’s Wake by Alastair Reynolds

    Poseidon’s Wake is the third book in Reynold’s Poseidon’s Children series which I was under the impression was a trilogy (the first book’s blurb announced “Blue Remembered Earth is the first volume in a monumental trilogy…”) but if that’s the case then this book left at least one huge dangling...
  19. Vertigo

    On the Steel Breeze by Alastair Reynolds

    Following on from the events of Blue Remembered Earth, ‘holoships’ have been dispatched to Crucible where incontrovertible evidence of an apparently long dead extra-terrestrial intelligence has been discovered. The holoships, asteroids converted to house communities over a million strong and...
  20. Brian G Turner

    Alastair Reynolds on BBC Radio

    Reynolds will be appearing on a BBC Radio Wales shows about science fiction tomorrow: Today's Tomorrows: Science Fiction, Series 25, Phil the Shelf - BBC Radio Wales