andrew neiderman

  1. A

    Unholy Birth

    Unholy Birth Andrew Neiderman Pocket, Aug 2007, $7.99 ISBN: 9781416516842 In Palm Springs, California, lovers “femme” Kate Dobson and “butch” Wilma “Willy” Radcliff are a happy couple whose catering business is booming. The only negative in their relationship is Kate’s obsession with giving...
  2. S

    (Found) Obscure Mid 90's paperback help!

    There was a book I read in the mid 90's. I can't remember the title or the author. It was a paperback. I've tried googling to no success. It was fiction. Psychological thriller may be what it was listed under. It was based on siamese twins named Alpha and Beta. In the story they were...