c j cherryh

  1. Dave

    C. J. Cherryh

    Carolyn Janice Cherry pen name: C. J. Cherryh. born St. Louis, Missouri: 1 September 1942 C. J. Cherryh, is an American writer of science fiction and fantasy, hard SF, and space opera. She writes novels, short stories and essayist, and was a high school teacher. She has written at least 80...
  2. Tiggertim

    (Found) 1960s-70s novel; water levels are rising; character travelling to a "gate" that leads off planet

    I would have read this in the 70s or 80s and it was a small, novel sized, paperback typical of the era. The story follows a character who is travelling across another world (I'm sure it's not Earth), trying to reach a gate of some sort that leads off planet as water levels rise everywhere on...
  3. T

    (Probably Found) I need some help finding a series of fantasy books

    I need some help finding a series of fantasy books that I read 30+ years ago, I can't remember the name of the author except that it was a weird name, or the titles of the books. It was about magic and magical beasts/spirits, the magicians did magic by laying down wishes or wishing at each...
  4. D

    Reccomend a book by CJ Cerryh and/or Poul Anderson.

    Both good SF Authors.
  5. Benetegiii

    (Found) Science Fiction Cat Like Species

    Looking for a science fiction book I read in the late 80's early 90's. It is about an alien race where the females are the astronauts because the males are too violent and not that clever. So the males are left on the homeworld or used as brute force soldiers. This particular story If I...
  6. 67zildjian

    Psychology of CJ Cherryh's works

    Why does everyone bash her style of prose? Why don't we discuss the psychological effects of the human element in each story. She reaches a depth of understanding human psychology in her alien building finesse that NO other author has ever achieved. Period. Nothing in her universes is over...
  7. vanye

    Critique of Cherryh's Morgaine Cycle

    Quite by accident I stumbled upon the following critique of C.J. Cherryh's Morgaine Cycle. As this is one of my favourite reads ever (right, you couldn't tell by looking at my nom de guerre), I was astounded how someone could have perceived everything so contrary to my own perception. Let us...
  8. Bick

    Cherryh's Chanur Series

    I've started reading this - only a few chapters in to The Pride of Chanur, so no spoilers please - and as there isn't a thread on this series, while there is for Morgaine and The Faded Sun, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it its own thread. I'm so far loving this work, and its the most...
  9. A

    (Found... Almost Certainly) The Ambassador or something

    I'm looking for a certain book, called "The Ambassador" "The Emissary" or something along those lines. On the front are three, dark skinned, somewhat large humanoids with rifles, in the middle stands a human woman, herself undersized compared to them, the aliens themselves looking near human. I...
  10. J-Sun

    Cherryh Named Grand Master

    C.J. Cherryh Named SFWA Damon Knight Grand Master I actually thought to myself, "All right!" and got a happy charge when I came across the notice at Locus. This, SFWA or not, is the last remaining award that still has meaning to me and, while there are still more senior authors yet to get it...
  11. A

    Fortress of Ice

    Fortress of Ice C.J. Cherryh Eos, Nov 2006, $24.95 ISBN 0380979047 King Cefwyn raised his son and heir Aewyn at the royal court at Guelemara while his older child by a few months, illegitimate offspring Elfwyn, was raised by Gran the hedge-witch in the countryside of Amefel where she called him...
  12. A


    Deliverer C.J. Cherryh Daw, Feb 2007, $25.95, 368 pp ISBN: 0756404147 Bren Cameron is a paidhi, a facilitator and interpreter between the Atevi and the humans as he tries to prevent any crisis from blowing up between the two wary species. After two years in space with the world leader’s heir...
  13. A

    Regenesis-C.J. Cherryh

    Regenesis C.J. Cherryh Daw, Jan 2009, $25.95 ISBN 9780756405304 In the research city of Reseune, eighteen year old scientist Ariane “Ari” Emory is a clone of a late brilliant warped person whose work on psychogenesis, the cloning of psychology and memory, was ingenious; the evidence being Ari...
  14. A

    Conspirator-C.J. Cherryh

    Conspirator C.J. Cherryh Daw, Apr 28 2009, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756405700 The paidhi-aiji interpreter between the native Atevi and the stranded humans, Bren Cameron remains worried though the Atevi civil war has ended at least for now and his side victorious (see DELIVERER). He fears human...
  15. A

    Deceiver-C.J. Cherryh

    Deceiver C.J. Cherryh Daw, May 2010, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756406011 The atevi civil war is over; at least the overt hostilities that is. The Western Association ruler Tabini-aiji has won a shaky victory, but the prime enemy plotter still remains free; as Machigi chieftain of Taisigi clan has...
  16. A

    Betrayer-C.J. Cherryh

    Betrayer C.J. Cherryh Daw, Apr 5 2011, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756406547 Bren Cameron is the paidhi-aiji negotiator with the Atevi. He and the ruler of all of the ai-shidi’tat states, Tabini-aiji, have become close friends especially during the recent civil war in which the human’s skills at solving...
  17. A

    Foreigner: Intruder-C.J. Cherryh

    Foreigner: Intruder C.J. Cherryhl Daw, Mar 6 2012, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756407155 Assigned by Ilisidi the aiji-dowager grandmother of his friend Tabiniaiji the atevi leader of the Western Association, intelligent human diplomat of the alien atevi Bren Cameron continues to negotiate with the last of...
  18. A

    Protector-C.J. Cherryh

    Protector C.J. Cherryh Daw, April 2 2013, $24.95 ISBN: 9780756407988 The heir to the Atevi leader of the Western Association Tabiniaiji, eight years old Cajerji celebrates his birthday with his people and select human friends he made. Meanwhile the Assassins’ Guild, responsible for security, is...
  19. A

    Peacemaker-C. J. Cherryh

    Peacemaker C. J. Cherryh DAW, Apr 1 2014, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756408831 The heir to the Atevi leader of the Western Association Tabiniaiji, Cajerji celebrates his ninth birthday with his people and select human friends he made. At the same time a deep schism inside the Assassins’ Guild explodes...
  20. Teresa Edgerton

    C. J. Cherryh's Morgaine Books

    After Andre Norton's Witch World books, these were perhaps my first introduction to Science Fantasy. The complexity of the story, the politics, the characterization is, of course, on a much higher level. I think it was the emotional intensity of these books that hooked me, the fact that the...