damon knight

  1. C

    (Found) Short first contact story - set in a space station.

    Hi - hope someone can help. I read it in the early 80s, language - English in a paperback short story collection a group of astronauts lives in a space station in close proximity to aliens humans can't understand their language or writing after some time they can read the alien writing etc...
  2. northernexposure

    (Found) SF Story: Author & Name?

    A man invents a device that can see anywhere, distributes its plans, and uses a convoluted method to arrange that he will not be discovered until after his death. Another knob on the device allows one to look back in time. By the end of the story, anyone can see what anyone else is doing or...
  3. Extollager

    Damon Knight

    Wonder why there doesn't seem to have been a thread on this author and anthologist, also critic who trashed Allen Adler's Terror on Planet Ionus, which I just read. (It was pretty poor.) I'm not necessarily the right person to start one, since I haven't read all that much by him myself. I...
  4. Extollager

    "More Good Reading in Science Fiction"--short list by Damon Knight

    I picked up a copy of Damon Knight's 1965 anthology aimed at the school market, Beyond Tomorrow (boy, do I remember this book) and noted his brief bibliography at the end. What do you think of his choices, as of 1965, for young readers getting started in sf? What would you remove, if any...
  5. Anthony G Williams

    Beyond the Barrier by Damon Knight

    Damon Knight was an American SFF writer who was at the heart of the genre throughout its golden period. The first of his four dozen or so short stories was published in 1940, and seventeen novels followed in the period 1955 to 1996, the last appearing six years before his death. As his Wiki...
  6. A

    (Probably Found) Searching for book title

    Hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm trying to remember the name of a science fiction book (short story or novella, I think). I read it about 25 years ago, so it's not something new. It was about a future world where city people and country people had been separated for a long time, with folks...
  7. S

    (Found) Very old SF story, cow pies

    I'm looking for a story I read as a teen ager (about forty years ago) in which space aliens came to earth and began collecting cow pies. They wanted only very specific things, double whorls, etc. People began dealing these things, created an entire market, and so on. Then the aliens suddenly...