daniel f galouye

  1. H

    (Probably Found) Please help me find this book

    Hi in the 1980`s i remember reading a book about a young boy living in an underground shelter, everyone in this shelter was pale and bold and wore a back pack which i think was wired to their brain, i think it was for knowledge. Then i remember he falls into the river in the shelter and is swept...
  2. T

    (Found) Trying to find a very old sci-fi book / short-story my dad read

    Hi all Great to see a site and forum like this exists! Took a while to find a good one. My dad died in February this year, we shared an enjoyment of good sci-fi and fantasy books and I passed many of mine over to him as I was growing up. He used to reminisce about a story he could not...
  3. P

    (Found) Looking for Simulcrum ? by Pierre Boule?

    Don't know if this rings a bell with anyone. Simulcrum? was probably the first book I've ever read about a virtual world: Protagonist almost dies when a road is chopped off in the middle of nowhere over a black void. Turns out that earth as we know is really a simulcrum/artificial/virtual world...