frank herbert

  1. B

    Do You Think it Possible That Philip K Dick Could Have Been An Influence On Frank Herbert's Dune ?

    Yes, this probably one the craziest question ive ever asked and its poably more then a bit of a reach but , I figured itstill might be worth asking. :unsure::( Thoughts ?:(
  2. B

    Adopted language theory in Herbert's Dune

    Hi, all, how is it going? If you read Dune Chronicles, you probably remember an idea said out by Herbert: people adopt language of the power they are following. I was thinking about it for some time and decided that it's fair - if you listen to the people attentively, you may notice them using...
  3. D

    (Found) Anyone know this story?

    I am trying to find the title of a science fiction short story I read back in the 1970s. The story takes place in a congressional hearing, in which a rancher details how while trying to invent/build an improved cattle fence he inadvertently created an extremely powerful laser. He shows the plans...
  4. C

    Dune ... Interplanetary combat.

    I saw the re-make of Dune last year. When Harkonens invade Dune I saw something was off: there were no planetary defense platforms, and I don't recall any being mentioned on the book either. Having orbital platforms seems the most obvious way to defend from an invasion, even if all combat has...
  5. J-Sun

    Favorite Frank Herbert Books?

    I can't believe a poll like this hasn't been done before, but I couldn't find one after a quick search. This poll lists all his novels except collaborations and posthumous books and all his collections which appeared in both the US and UK prior to his death. All are SF novels unless otherwise...
  6. J-WO

    Possible Hole In Dune's Plot/World-building

    ...and I'm happy to be corrected. The thought just popped in my head after I saw the new movie again the other day. In the novel I recall the fremen are happy to sacrifice themselves as individuals if it'll wipe out a load of Harkonnen enemies. I also recall that lasers aren't used all that...
  7. Elckerlyc

    Dune - Preferable edition?

    My 1974 paperback copy of Dune is falling apart. Total disintegration is imminent. I need a new copy, because life without Dune on my bookshelf is unthinkable. Unimaginable. Unbearable. My old copy - what is left of it - is in Dutch. However, I decided that my new copy should be in English. But...
  8. BigHappy

    What is so good about Dune?

    When hearing that Dune is labelled as the best science fiction book of all time, I immediately started reading it, expecting it to be brilliant from what I’ve read in reviews. But I’m about 400 pages in and struggle to see why people like this book so much, and what makes it one of the best...
  9. M4rt1n3z

    (Found) Looking for book where aliens watch humans for entertainment and interfere with their lives. One alien visiting on vacation falls in love

    I read a paperback from the public library probably around 2002-2004 but the book felt like a ‘50s or ‘60s publication because of the human technology in the story. These aliens, who are like stewards of all planets with life, fly around on earth in invisible tubes filming and interfering with...
  10. R

    (Found) SCI FI novel Male series lead travels to brutal overpopulated planet , encounters woman planning revolt by starving population; switch bodies

    SCI FI book from I think about the Heinlein era of writing (1960s-1980s), not sure on the timeline, I read it as an adult maybe 5 years ago. I think this book is from a series, about the 2nd or 3rd book, though I'm not sure I read the other books. This book has both a male and female lead. The...
  11. Toby Frost

    References in Dune?

    Three random thoughts: Firstly, Melange is a spice that prolongs life. A "melange" is a blend or variety of other things. So, is Herbert making a pun on variety being the spice of life? Secondly, in his role as desert prophet, Paul surprises his enemies by blowing up a mountain and attacking...
  12. B

    Isaac Asimov or Frank Herbert, Who is Greater?

    Which then is the greater in terms of their impact and influence upon Science fiction not only literature but all other mediums as well. Foundation or Dune ?:) And which of them do you think , is the better overall writer?:) Thoughts ?
  13. Venusian Broon

    Interview with Frank Herbert 1969

    This just popped up on my youtube feed. I thought other Dune fans would like to hear the creator talk a bit about it, so I'm sharing it here. He is about to publish Dune Messiah as he is talking. I found it very interesting.
  14. Nemesis Looms

    (Found) Short story? Heinlein? Plans for diy brushcutting laser capable of destroying the planet made public on worldwide media. Read in the 70's

    Set principally in the US with a definite Heinlein feel to the politics involved, a major part of the plot was the development of a cheap and easy redneck diy brushcutting laser which had the potential to be scaled up to be able to destroy the planet. Eventually after various alarums and...
  15. Brian G Turner

    Dune Messiah

    I really didn't like Dune Messiah. It felt disjointed and directionless, which most chapters being nothing more than characters in a room talking about nothing much of substance. Any sense of conflict tended to be vague: Paul thought he could see the future, only to be surprised by everything...
  16. Vince W

    Frank Herbert by Timothy O'Reilly

    I'm surprised (especially in myself) this hasn't been mentioned already, but Timothy O'Reilly (yes that Tim O'Reilly) wrote a biography of Frank Herbert that was published in 1981 by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc. as part of their Ungar's Recognitions series. This is no critical biography...
  17. Lynxsie

    (Found) Desert Planet fought over by members of a Galactic Monarchy

    This author wrote one of the true epics in science fiction about a desert planet fought over by members of a galactic monarchy. At the end of the book an off-world, Moses-like prophet freed the indigenous people from their oppressors. What did the people of the desert planet call their messiah?
  18. Vince W

    Dune Film/TV Comeback

    Legendary films has acquired the rights to Dune. Legendary Entertainment Acquires Rights to Frank Herbert’s Classic Sci-Fi Novel Dune | Legendary Could a new Dune adaptation be in our foreseeable future?
  19. Stephen Palmer

    Amazing Dune art...

    Check out these wonderful envisionings of Dune…
  20. A

    Hellstrom’s Hive

    Hellstrom’s Hive Frank Herbert Tor, Apr 2007, $14.95 ISBN: 0765317729 In Oregon, filmmaking entomologist Nils Hellstrom establishes the human hive in which 50,000 peoplewill live together based on how insects work as a unit regardless of size. The Agency is concerned about the influence of the...