george r r martin

  1. R

    (Found) Sci-fi book, written before 1995 with exploding head on the cover

    i'm looking for a book I read at nineties cover was (probably) dark blue and there was an exploding head on it main plot was about a space ship and it's crew traveling throught universe and main twist was about the fact, that ship has a consciousness in one moment, one of crew member...
  2. M. Robert Gibson

    George R.R. Martin feels “things have gotten worse” with TV and film adaptations

    Short article from the NME I have to agree with this *cough* The Hobbit *cough*
  3. Boaz

    The failure of my Grand Unified Theory

    Back in 2005-2006, I was working on a theory to solve all prophecy, to decipher the Faith of the Seven, to recognize Azor Ahai reborn, and know the origins of humanity. It did not work. I could not make it all fit... not even with all the mental hurdles I like to jump. My basic thought was...
  4. Boaz

    Arya: The Blind Girl chapter in ADWD. Are the bodies important?

    In Arya’s first chapter in ADWD, she is blind. Early one morning, she finds two bodies of people who, presumably drank the poisoned water of the house of Black and White. One body is that of an elderly woman. The only thing that Arya notes about her is that the woman has one ring and her body is...
  5. C

    ACOUP essays on Game of Thrones

    ACOUP is a blog by a military historian that discusses popular fiction and games from the standpoint of what history tells us pre-gunpowder societies were really like. ACOUP did a number of essays offering a deep dive into Game of Thrones. Anyone interested in how to write (and not write)...
  6. Boaz

    A Posting of Ice and Fire: Enjoying twenty years of plots, theories, and characters while the story is in production. SPOILERS!

    Caveat lectoris. Let the reader beware. When I said that I thought Jon was Eddard's son, a friend told me to look up R+L=J on the net. I had taken A Song of Ice and Fire at face value. This began changing my understanding of what George Martin is communicating. I read about R+L=J and posted...
  7. chongjasmine

    What will happen to the series if George dies before completing it?

    I really enjoy the series, and wonder what will happen to it if George should pass away. Will someone else take over the job, or will it be left unfinished?
  8. Boaz

    GRRM's love of Marvel Comics

    George's favorite comic heroes were the Fantastic Four. Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic, is a brilliant inventor and manipulator of technology who uses his brain more than his super stretching ability. Benjamin Grimm, aka The Thing, is a top notch pilot, capable of taking people beyond the...
  9. O

    (Found) 1980's? Ancient Bio-engineering ship found, adventures follow, thought 'Tuffy's War'? nothing found

    I think it's called Tuffy's War, pretty positive Tuffy is correct, the war part not so much. Searches through various websites and search engines have found nothing matching. No idea on author. Published in the 1980's, possibly 1970's. Space Tugboat? Captain Tuffy is hired to find a missing...
  10. pogopossum

    Martin as editor/anthologist

    My first reading of Martin was him as the editor and contributor to the Wild Cards series. Since then I have noticed enough of his work as editor/anthologist to explain his inability to finish Fire& Ice. Of special note to me is the aformentioned Wild Cards. But also his encomium to Jack Vance...
  11. JJewel

    Am I the only one that thinks that the Wild Cards series is better than GOT?

    Okay before the hit squad arrives my reasons ... 1. The GOT books, certainly the early ones were very repetitious in subject / theme 2. Wild Cards was the first `intelligent` idea for superheros i ever read, particularly characters like the Great and Powerful Turtle etc.
  12. Young stormlord

    Crackpot theory: Who really sent a catspaw to kill Bran?

    It was Mance Rayder. I don't know whether you're going to read this but here goes. How to add weight to Mance Rayder theory. Mance is lying about some details when he tells his story to Jon. First of all and a first lie, he didn't go over the wall alone. Generally speaking, it's a good idea...
  13. thatollie

    Is Dany really Aerys' daughter?

    People have a lot of theories about who could be the children of The Mad King but I had a thought. What if Dany isn't his daughter? Okay, so, there's 17 years between the births of Prince Rheagar and Prince Viserys and they lose EIGHT children during that time. Also, he become disinterested...
  14. Brian G Turner

    The Influence of Viking Myth on A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin

    WARNING: SPOILERS! This discussion presume you're up to date with the books AND the TV series: I'm currently reading Viking Britain: A History by Thomas, and came across the following section: (p. 262-4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First...
  15. Extollager

    Theological Critique: World of Vice and Fire

    "And now, for the first time, the world of selfism and indifference has its bard, whose stories are lodged firmly in the minds of tens of millions." --Peter Hitchens Vice and Fire | Peter Hitchens
  16. Brian G Turner

    George R R Martin: Fire and Blood

    A lot of people will already be aware that Fire and Blood, a prequel to the A Song of Ice and Fire series - perhaps better known by the TV series name of Game of Thrones - is due for released on November 20th this year: GRRM has effectively...
  17. cjenner

    (Probably Found) Help finding book about a huge spaceship taken over by some renegades/pirates

    Hi, my memory is very hazy but it's about a bunch of renegades that stumble across a huge deserted starship. This ship has an incredible computer that can transform objects. They first start using this 'computer' to terraform the inside of their ship, turning parts of it into habitable areas...
  18. A

    Books like GoT and Belgariad... (Recommendations)

    I've been asked to recommend books for an eighteen year old boy who loved GoT and the Belgariad. Think he has also read the other David Eddings series. Can anyone help me out with some suggestions?
  19. Koopa

    Brandon Stark and Time

  20. Werthead

    Tuf Voyaging by George R.R. Martin

    Tuf Voyaging