ian mcdonald

  1. Vertigo

    Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone by Ian McDonald

    At only about 100 pages this is really a novella and in my eBook edition came with a second shorter and unrelated story – The Tear. The central premise of this book is both interesting and full of great possibilities most of which are largely ignored; the book instead focuses more on the moral...
  2. Bugg

    Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald

    Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald 2015 - Gollancz ebook - 393 pages The Moon wants to kill you. Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations...
  3. A


    Brasyl Ian McDonald PYR, May 2007, $25.00 ISBN: 1591025435 In 2006 Brazil, TV “Lady of Production Values” Marcelina Hoffman sets up scenes so her viewers can see genuine reality. She has recently learned that soccer goalie Barbosa, whose failure to block a shot at the 1950 World Cup gave the...
  4. A

    Desolation Road-Ian McDonald

    Desolation Road Ian McDonald PYR, Sep 2009, $15.98 ISBN 9781591027447 Earthlings have colonized a small patch of Mars by terra-forming the planet. Amongst the settlements is a shabby locale with a few buildings on what is called Desolation Road. It is a weird place not so much because it look...
  5. A

    Ares Express-Ian McDonald

    Ares Express Ian McDonald Pyr, Apr 27 2010, $16.00 ISBN 9781616141974 On Mars, Sweetness Octave Glorious Honey-Bun Asiim Engineer 12th dreams of replacing her father as the Engineer of the Catherine of Tharsis train. However, she also knows of the gender ban as females are prohibited from...
  6. A

    The Dervish House-Ian McDonald

    The Dervish House Ian McDonald PYR, Jul 27 2010, $26.00 ISBN: 9781616142049 In 2027 in Istanbul, Turkey Necdet rides the jammed tram to work, but though he is not a creep he cannot stop staring at the young woman with the red highlights and silver curls. Thus he sees first hand when she touches...
  7. A

    Planesrunner-Ian McDonald

    Planesrunner Ian McDonald PYR, Dec 20 2011, $16.95 ISBN 9781616145415 Fourteen year old Everett Singh belongs to the Divorcedads.com forum where children swap tales of embarrassing dad stories. Knowing his dad is different after all he named him after a dead scientist, on a rainy cold December...
  8. A

    Be My Enemy-Ian McDonald

    Be My Enemy Ian McDonald PYR, Sep 4 2012, $16.95 ISBN: 9781616146788 In London brilliant fourteen year old Everett Singh witnessed the kidnapping of his father quantum physicist Tejendra by thugs. Soon afterwards the math prodigy obtained the Infundibulum complex digital map, which enables the...
  9. A

    Empress of the Sun-Ian McDonald

    Empress of the Sun Ian McDonald Pyr, Feb 4 2014, $17.99 ISBN: 9781616148652 Everett Singh inadvertently takes the Everness on a Heisenberg Jump to an earth and solar system like none that he or his crew ever seen. This Alderson Disk consists of all the inner planets up to and including Jupiter...
  10. Mangara

    Ian McDonald

    Hello all! I did a search and it didn't turn up any results so I thought I'd make a thread for discussion on this authors work. Ian McDonald (born 1960) is a British science fiction novelist, living in Belfast. His themes include nanotechnology, postcyberpunk settings, and the impact of rapid...
  11. Ian Whates

    Solaris Rising: Ian McDonald, Alastair Reynolds, Peter F Hamilton

    I've just finalised the line-up for an anthology of all new SF stories I've been commissioned to produce for Solaris - Solaris Rising: The New Book of Solaris Science Fiction. So what do you reckon? A book you're itching to read, or not really of any interest? 1. Introduction – Ian Whates 2. A...
  12. Anthony G Williams

    Brasyl by Ian McDonald

    This book was first published in 2007 and attracted glowing reviews plus several award nominations, being voted novel of the year by the British Science Fiction Association in 2008. My copy had been sitting on my bookshelf for a while, so I selected it as one of the reads for the Classic Science...
  13. Connavar

    Ian McDonald

    Since he is critically rated,award winning author im wondering what people who have read him thought about his work ? Im just about to finish River Gods from 2004, im impressed by his writing. Also looks like he usually writes about Non-Western settings,has colonial theme which is very...
  14. Werthead

    The Dervish House by Ian McDonald

    Istanbul, the Queen of Cities, the bridge between east and west, in 2027 freshly-accepted into the European Union and now awash with new money and new technology. Nanotech is the future, tiny machines which can power amazing toys, keep you healthy, dig out that cancer and, whether you want them...
  15. dwndrgn

    River of Gods (Book Club)

    Here's where we discuss the book :D