jean m auel

  1. R

    any good prehistoric man books?

    I don't know if this has been covered before, not sure it's in the SFF realm or not, but at least you guys can say if it is. I am reading a book by William Golding called "The Inheritors" about a clan of Neanderthals who meet modern man. So far, I am not getting into the story, not sure if...
  2. I

    The Clan of the Cave Bear

    I liked this book when I was a teen. A enjoyable adventure. The story pulled me in and kept me interested. I cannot say the same for the next volumes of Earth's Children series. I even got the movie, but I was not happy with it, I saw nothing trying to understand the prehistoric characters, to...
  3. Brian G Turner

    Jean Auel - Land of Painted Caves

    It's taken around 30 years for Jean Auel to complete all six books in the Earth's Children series, with Land of Painted Caves released this month. However, I think any regular readers will be sorely disappointed, and it's getting a lot of flack. Main problem appears to be: there's no story...
  4. Cal20

    Jean M Auel

    Hey everyone! Has anyone read 'The Earth's Children' series bt Jean M Auel (sometimes known just as Jean Auel)? I'm almost finished the first one, The Clan of the Cave Bear, and I absolutely loved it, it's completely different to anything I've ever read before. There are five in total and I...
  5. T

    clan of the cave bear

    was very entertained with the whole Earth Children series. It was very interesting and educational at times, and, I later found out, fairly true to history. I took an Anthropology class in college a few years after reading the series, and some of the things we discussed and learned were some of...
  6. Mariel

    Jean M Auel

    I realize she doesn't write sci fi books but I really enjoy her writing any way. Has anyone else read any of her books? Like "Clan of the Cave Bear" or "Plains of Passage". I hear she might be putting out a new book soon. I hope.....:rolleyes: