jeff grubb

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    Ghosts Of Ascalon-Matt Forbeck and Jeff Grubb

    Ghosts Of Ascalon Matt Forbeck and Jeff Grubb Pocket, Aug 2010, $7.99 ISBN: 9781416589471 Two and a half centuries ago, the bestial charr invaded Ascalon. Desperate King Adelbern, knowing his monarchy was about to be overrun by the evil charr, called forth the magical Foefire to burn the...
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    Star Wars Scourge-Jeff Grubb

    Star Wars Scourge Jeff Grubb LucasBooks/Del Rey, Apr 24 2012, $7.99 ISBN: 9780345511225 Hot tempered Pantoran Jedi Toro Irana hates the planet Maken Te in the dangerous Hutt sector. Several weeks in the hellhole coming into contact with the local Swokes has raised his ire to the boiling point...