john brunner

  1. Lafayette

    John Brunner and Rats

    Is my memory faulty or did John Brunner write a novel about mutated Rats that were violent in the late 60s or early 70s? I remember it as a good story and plausible. I don't recall the exact title. I would like to read it again to see if it was or is as good as I remember? P.S. Was he related...
  2. Chaendar

    (Found) AI ship visits human colonies secretly

    Intelligent ship, travels in a loop visiting all human colonies it had earlier seeded. It does so secretly as its programming prevents it from interfering or revealing itself, but it found a loophole that lets it contact individuals and take them away as companions. On one planet it's a young...
  3. R

    (Possibly Found) Name of Old SF Short Story?

    Friends, I read this short story in an anthology 50 years ago. I'd really like to read it once more. Interstellar explorers find the remains of a very advanced civilization. Eventually they meet robots left behind. The robots say that their masters evolved and moved on, but before leaving, they...
  4. D

    (Found) Mars colony. Earth takeover. 1970's

    Okay. Following the checklist but this is a very faint memory (inspired by Dave in the connection thread in playrooms) Mankind set off colonizing Mars with people altered to have big chests for thin atmosphere. They grew very tall in light gravity. However star drive made them obsolete so...
  5. Caliban

    John Brunner - worth reading?

    hi Long time lurker first time poster here. I have a mate who recommended I read John Brunner based on my liking Michael Bishop and PKD. But he also said that Brunner wrote about 5 masterpieces and loads of rubbish ones. Which books of his do you guys recommend seeing as I don't really want...
  6. P

    (Probably Found) Seed ship, exploding tree cones, "community" body organs...?

    I'm trying to find a book I read in the early 90's, I think. It was about a living/sentient ship that traveled from star system to star system and sometimes picked up a couple of passengers along the way. I think the ship was traveling back along it's previous path after thousands of years...
  7. R

    John Brunner

    I'm curious to know where people here rank John Brunner? I'm 66 and he, of so many writers, has stuck most in my mind. I was impressed early on by his "diversity" for lack of a better word and also his skill with words. From Shockwave Rider to The Warp and the Woof Woof to Squares of the City to...
  8. S

    Review: The Whole Man by John Brunner

    13th June 2013 09:34 AM Victoria Silverwolf The Whole Man by John Brunner (1964) This novel tells the life story of a telepath, from birth to maturity. Gerald Howson is born a cripple, the illegitimate child of a terrorist and a woman who became pregnant only in a failed attempt to get...
  9. Mangara

    John Brunner

    Hello all. Just thought I'd post a thread on the Author I'm currently reading and enjoying. 24th Sept 1934-25th Aug 1995 Known for: Stand on Zanzibar : A SF Masterwork, Hugo/BSFA award winner. Norman Niblock House is a rising executive at General Technics, one of a few...
  10. Victoria Silverwolf

    "The Whole Man" by John Brunner (1964)

    The Whole Man by John Brunner (1964) This novel tells the life story of a telepath, from birth to maturity. Gerald Howson is born a cripple, the illegitimate child of a terrorist and a woman who became pregnant only in a failed attempt to get the man to marry her. The setting, although not...
  11. T

    (Probably Found) Fiction series

    There was this book series I read in middle school and I loved it but I dont remember tons about it: I remember the books had something to do with dreams and there was a machine that people went into to dream. and people sometimes got so dependent on these machines that they had to be hooked up...
  12. J-WO

    John Brunner- A brag.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, This seemed about the best place to announce this. Apologies to moderators if I'm wrong. Anyway- I am the proud owner of John Brunner's electric typewriter. (Insert a J-Wovian squee here). Oxfam were selling it on Ebay and I dived in there and got very lucky indeed. Mr...
  13. J

    (Probably Found) Forgotten Title & Author - book about telepaths

    Hi, Hoping someone in the wondeful forum can help. Many moons ago I read a book about telepaths in the not so distant future (think societal breakdown not post apocalyptic). Where rogues telepaths were helping the moderately weathly to escape the real world into some sort of contructed...
  14. The Wanderer

    'Stand On Zanzibar' John Brunner
