I asked this over on the December reading thread (which I suppose is the wrong place) maybe here it's more appropriate. It's intrigued me before - though I have not asked.
I was re-reading Letters from Father Christmas (that Tolkien wrote to his children) and in 1937 he writes that he was...
I don't know if anyone here has read The Lord of the Rings in the Ace paperback edition (1965). In Ace's Return of the King, p. 127 has it that the horses of the Rohirrim "belched and swerved away" in fear of the mumakil. Page 148 of my October 1967 Ballantine edition has "blenched" (not...
From "On Fairy-Stories" in Tree and Leaf, reprinted in The Tolkien Reader (1966):
On page 49: "In human art Fantasy is a thing best left to words, to true literature."
On page 80: "However good in themselves, illustrations do little good to fairy-stories. The radical distinction between all...
If you have £90 to spare and want all of Tolkien's poems...
Here is a sort of review of it.
First publication of J.R.R. Tolkien’s collected poems offers new insights into the Lord of the Rings author’s personality
Just wondering - do the Nazgul ever say much in LOTR?
The only two phrases I can think of them using are:
"The Ring ... the Ring ..."
"Back ... back, to Mordor will take you."
But do they ever say anything else?
What would people of from 18th Century all the way up to the early 20th century have likely have thought of The Hobbit, LOTR, The Silmarillion etc? What would they have though It's themes and style of writing story telling , and characters and world building ? Would they have been able...
An interlibrary loan copy of The Hobbit illustrated by Jemima Catlin (Houghton Mifflin 2013) arrived. Her work is a success, and probably would come across all the better if I were reading the text. It is tasteful and in general the artist seems to me to have thought along with Tolkien.
The photograph reminds me a little of the country around Silverton, Oregon, when I stayed a night or two at Mt. Angel Abbey over 40 years ago.
On the far right edge there's our Professor -- chatting with a young lady, drink in hand.
Does anyone here read A. E. Coppard? I've never had the impression that he was an author I'd like.
I know that one could try to work out distances oneself, using the maps, but I'm lazy enough to wonder if somewhere there is a source or calculator for distances in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age. Help?
I'm reading Holly Ordway's Tolkien's Faith, published this month (it is superb)...
Doug Anderson has come up with a (surely) hitherto not recorded bit of writing by Tolkien -- which should settle forever how his name is to be pronounced. In the video biography of JRRT, I think Rayner Unwin accented the second syllable -- incorrectly, as it turns out...
If you have access, or know anyone that does, to Masterclass, I recommend watching Neil Gaiman talking about his love for Tolkien and Tolkien’s influence. It’s a treat.
Is it just me who thinks it's weird that Tolkien never much attempted to account for the origins of hobbits, even though he was working on what would become The Silmarillion for forty years after he'd invented the creatures?
If we take The Silmarillion as fact (within that universe), then...
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