keith laumer

  1. M

    (Found) The Last RETIEF Story - Help to Find

    I need help to find a story I read about five years or so ago, if not longer. It was written by the late, great Keith Laumer. If memory serves me right it was the first Retief story he wrote, and the last he sold or published. The gist of the story is an old man rides into a town on a horse-like...
  2. Mike J Nagle

    Reading-Order flowchart for Keith Laumer's Bolo and Retief series.

    Hello, It's been a while since I have created a new reading-order flowchart, but recently Baylor suggested that I take on Keith Laumer's Bolo stories. Of course, I needed to do some deep research in order to do the job right. In the course of that research I learned that Laumer's Retief...
  3. D

    (Probably Found) Sci Fi story, dog like aliens that most people cannot perceive

    Hi guys, Been looking for this story a while now I read it sometime around 1985, it may have been teen sci fi. It was about the earth taken over or starting to be taken over by dog like aliens that most people could not perceive. I think they stayed hidden through some kind of mind...
  4. royheil

    (Found) Sci Fi book about brutish people from another dimension trying to invade our dimension

    I don't recall the title, or the author. I read this book in the early 70's, but it may have been written in the 50's or 60's. It has a Harry Harrison feel about it. The main character is an agent of some kind, and the agency has access to portals, through which one can travel to other...
  5. Anthony G Williams

    A Plague of Demons by Keith Laumer

    This novel, first published in 1965, was one of my favourites from the period and I still have my well-worn 1967 paperback. It's several decades since I last read it so I thought I'd see how it stood up today. I've already posted one review of a novel by this author (A Trace of Memory...
  6. X

    (Probably Found) Space opera from my childhood

    I found the book at a secondhand store near where I live, which probably makes it pretty old. I remember that the plot concerned a human boy on your typical coming-of-age journey, but the author, title, and character names escape me. The one detail that I remember above all others is that at one...
  7. Anthony G Williams

    A Trace of Memory by Keith Laumer

    Keith Laumer (1925-1993) was a prolific American SF author who specialised in fast-paced adventure stories (of which the Bolo series, concerning intelligent tanks, is best known) and comic satire, notably in the Retief books about an interstellar diplomat. 'A Trace of Memory', published in 1963...
  8. O

    (Probably Found) Trying to ID an older SF short story... Help?

    My first post here, so apologies if I missed a better way to do this. I'm trying to find the title and author of an SF short I read when I was a kid in the 1960's. My Dad had SF anthologies, which is probably where I found this one. I'd love to reread it if I could just find it! I can only...
  9. D

    (Probably Found) Looking for a long forgotten story

    Once i was a child (we all have been there, i guess) and read a sci-fi story that I really liked. The problem is that now i can't remember either the title or the author. I read it in an spanish edition publisehd by Forja, but that particular collection of science fiction stories seems long out...
  10. C

    Is there anyone here who is a fan of, or likes Keith Laumer's books

    I was wondering if there is anyone else here besides me who is a reader of Keith Laumer's books. Even though his Worlds of the Imperium and BOLOS books were very good, but my favorite is the Retief stories. RETIEF IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :rolly2: :D :rolly2: :D :rolly2: