kurt vonnegut

  1. Dave

    Kurt Vonnegut

    Kurt Vonnegut Jr. born Indianapolis, Indiana: 11 November 1922 died New York, New York: 11 April 2007 Kurt Vonnegut is an American author of science fiction and satire, and non-fiction. His works include 14 novels, 3 short story collections, 5 plays, 5 non-fiction books, and essays. His work...
  2. C

    (Found... Almost Certainly) Dystopian future Narrative POV from Parents

    I thought the name of the short story was Jay Bergesson or something like that But the story takes place in the future with an older couple watching TV, the wife wears an ear piece that wipes her memories every few minutes As she watches TV with Ballerinas dancing with Masks on and Capped...
  3. Stuart Suffel

    Kurt Vonnegut on Writing

    Hopefully y'all can get this link below. This is one of the very best, if not the best 'treatise' on writing I've come across. It's print and pin on wall good. On plot: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/kurt-vonnegut-s-greatest-writing-advice?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB
  4. M. Robert Gibson

    Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan (2021) TV series

    I've just discovered this little announcement on this Wiki page "It was announced that Kurt Vonnegut's 1959 novel The Sirens of Titan would be made into a television series and would be adapted by Dan Harmon and Evan Katz." It turns out this was announced several years ago...
  5. Vince W

    Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut to Become Graphic Novel

    Vonnegut's anti-war book is being adapted into a graphic novel by Boom-Studios. I love the book so this is a must purchase for me. BOOM! Studios Announces SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE Graphic Novel By Ryan North and Albert Monteys
  6. S

    (Found) Looking for a book

    Hi, my name is sonny. Back around 1993 , I read a book . I can remember the tittle or the author. It’s driving me crazy. The plot of the book goes ... Future society is separated into two groups. The educated and the military. There is social unrest. Then a revolt . At the end of the revolt the...
  7. A

    Armageddon in Retrospect

    Armageddon in Retrospect Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Putnam, Apr 2008, $24.95 ISBN: 9780399155086 This is a terrific collection by one of the great commentators on human condition in the since WW II. As always Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. uses wry humor to rip into those warmongers who always send someone else to...
  8. B

    The Kurt Vonnegut Thread

    Ive Read Cats Cradle , Slaughterhouse 5 .Breakfast of Champions . . The first two had elements of science fiction and all three definit fit into the category of satire.I found them to be enjoyable . A very limited selection and likely not representative of his entire body of works of...
  9. Perpetual Man

    Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut

    I cannot remember why I suddenly decided to read Slaughterhouse Five, I think I might have seen an article written about it, or perhaps the bombing of Dresden during World War II that mentioned it. Whatever it might have been it was enough to capture my interest and I picked it up. I had...
  10. tylenol4000

    Kurt Vonnegut

    I think Player Piano and The Sirens of Titan are two of Vonnegut's best novels. They're also his most "obviously" science-fiction novels. I thought Slaughter-house 5 was great, and honestly, Cat's Cradle didn't amaze me. I found it okay. I always wonder what it would've been like if Kurt...
  11. J

    (Found) Fair Society

    I am looking for the title of a short story - could be by Robert A Heinlein. The story is a couple who are watching TV (?) and they are commenting that the dancer needs to be handicapped as she is too good. The story revolves around everybody being equalized by being handicapped by heavier...
  12. Nerds_feather

    Ranking Kurt Vonnegut's novels

    pretty excited about this: my co-conspirator over at the blog took it upon himself to rank 14 Kurt Vonnegut novels. this is probably one of the best posts we've had: http://www.nerds-feather.com/2012/06/we-rank-em-novels-of-kurt-vonnegut.html curious if the other Vonnegut fans here would...
  13. Connavar

    Kurt Vonnegut

    I was wondering about Slaughterhouse Five which i have in library paperback. I couldnt find any Vonnegut threads wasnt from 2005 and only few post. Is Slaughterhouse Five set in WWII prison camp like the synopsis says ? When i read alittle of it to sample its the main character trying to...
  14. B

    (Found) Searching for a story - world that everyone is forced to be equal

    Hi all I'm looking for a story, think it may have been in a book of short stories. The story is about a wold, in the future, where everyone is forced to be equal. Anyone who is exceptional or above the excepted norm is forced to ware devices that debilitate them. For example; if your too...
  15. B

    (Found) Obscure Sci-fi book/

    Hi, new to the site. Was wondering if anybody knows the title of a sci-fi book I recently heard about. The plot is about oppression, and the more talented you are, the more you are loaded down to "equal" you out. The title is, I think, the name of the most talented character in the book, has the...
  16. K

    (Found) Help in finding short story

    Many years ago I read a short story, author unknown, about a government that dictated that everyone be equal. Even to dancers having to wear weights, brain implants to prevent original thought, etc. I have looked for this story for several years, now, but unsuccessfully. Can anyone help me?
  17. J

    Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (November 11, 1922–April 11, 2007

    Well, this is a blow! Novelist Kurt Vonnegut dies at age 84 - Yahoo! News The story came in 14 minutes ago, apparently, via AP, and is titled "Novelist Kurt Vonnegut dies at age 84", by Christian Salazar. The article itself is quite long (as such things on writers tend to go). The world...
  18. Nikitta

    Further reading: P.K. Dick and Kurt Vonnegut

    This place (the Chronicles) and the people here keep amazing me. All of those interesting and fun discussions and such good answers to questions. I have two more queries that I hope to hear your thoughts on. I figured that I might as well combine both queries in one post for convenience. 1) I...
  19. SDNess

    Kurt Vonnegut

    It is about time I read more Vonnegut. I've only read Slaughterhouse Five, and that was over a year ago. Is there any order I should read them in? Which ones are definitely his best?
  20. H

    Is Kurt Vonnegut a genius or just plain insane?

    Me personally...I'm going to compromise and say he's a mad genius