larry niven

  1. MrCHansen

    Larry Niven - Audiobooks (A Gift From Earth)

    Hi Niven Fans, If you follow my threads you'll see I'm very much into consuming content in written and audio formats. I like to read a chapter and then listen to one in the car or at the gym. This allows me to get thru books faster then just reading them when time permits. That said, today's...
  2. P

    (Found) HELP! Forgot Title "Group of people colonize new planet, fish in the river turn into killer reptiles"

    The book must be at least 30 years old. I read it as a child and forgot the title. Our library had horror books of Stephen King, Dean Kootz, Peter Straub, John Saul but i can't find it. It's about a group of people colonizing an alien planet. It seems calm but then the fish in the river start...
  3. Mike J Nagle

    Larry Niven's Known Space Reading-Order Flowchart

    Hello, again. Here is a reading-order flowchart covering Larry Niven's Known Space stories. This flowchart is one of over a dozen such flowcharts that I have created over the last four and a half years, all of which I posted in Baen's Bar. Now that Baen's Bar is on hiatus, I have joined SFF...
  4. M

    Why are there kzinti on the ringworld?

    I'm now reading Ringworld Engineers and don't understand why there would be kzinti populating the Map of Kzin in the Great Sea? As the ringworld was built by Pak, why would they populate kzinti onto a part of it? Surely there would be a risk, albeit small, of kzinti finding a way out of the map...
  5. T

    (Found) Please help Plant pods as rockets

    Looking for info on a paper back novel that's at least pre 90s. Main story is alien race building rockets with plant pods as engines. Continually have extinction level events and have to restart building there civilization. Any help would be awesome!!! Thanks Brent
  6. D

    Starborn and Godsons

    I've tonight downloaded this ebook, Starborn and Godsons, it's 'blurbed' as the fourth and final book in the Legacy of Heorot series. This has flummoxed me, as I didn't even know there was a third in the series - now I'll have to get that before I can read this one.
  7. W

    Question about the end of Ringworld (spoilers)

    When Louis and Speaker dropped the building into the hole, it would have been trying to fall at 1 G which would mean the Needle would have been going pretty fast by the time it reached them. How did they get into a ship that was moving (being dragged by the cable) at probably hundreds of miles...
  8. Wyld-Cat

    (Found) Two people living on large estates surrounded by machines afraid to meet. Larry Niven ! early shorts !

    The COVID-19 coronavirus got me thinking about this Larry Niven short story, pre 2000 ! The story I am looking for, remembering is ... a world that people became afraid to meet face to face. They lived, the last two, on large estates serviced by machines. They were paranoid of disease...
  9. Bick

    Favourite Larry Niven Book?

    I think some of the key authors of SFF who have written heaps of books should perhaps have a running poll on their forum to serve as (a) a source of interest, and (b) helpful opinion for others coming here for thoughts on what to read. So how about a poll on favourite Larry Niven books? I've...
  10. D

    Man-kzin wars

    I'm reading Larry Niven, I read "mote in god's eye" and "Ringworld" and their continuations. I want to keep reading Niven and I want to read man-kzin wars. But I see that it has 15 series, all of these 15 are canon? Searching in amazon, i can't find some of then. To any Niven fan, what I...
  11. S

    (Found... Almost Certainly) Borrowed read, from the late 80's

    I read a book I borrowed from a friend in the late 80's, Paperback, it was old maybe then. It started off I believe the explring ship/ships went to a spot beyond the sun, entrered a Galaxy and found a habitated planet. The planet had a few different subsets of the same beings, ie engineering...
  12. Quisizyx

    (Probably Found) What's the title or author of story where (suicides?) get the comment "That's evolution in action"?

    Greets- Read a story where freedom was a concern and discussed. Suicides merely garnered the comment "That's evolution in action". It's been awhile and can't remember further details of plot, story line, or characters. If anyone remembers the title or author from this little bit in clues...
  13. mechman29

    (Found) Help me remember this book!!

    Hey guys and gals... I'm looking for a title of a book. I'll give you a quick overview (as I can remember, been a long time) and hopefully you can help. This guy was in prison and was sent into space. He was supposed to go around the sun and come back, except he changed the calculations and...
  14. B

    Larry Niven's website

    The following is not criticism; I've enjoyed his work. But. Is he still doing the chats? I wrote to one of the administrators and got no reply, and I wondered why not. The chats archive only goes to 2014. I clicked on links on his website; the home page touts an anthology published 2 years...
  15. Vertigo

    Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven

    Since the first book Louis Wu has degenerated into a pleasure addicted dropout, whilst Speaker-to-Animals has got his name and his harem of females and Nessus too has his mate and children. But Nessus’ mate, the ‘Hindmost,’ deposed leader of the Puppeteers, is determined to return to the...
  16. S

    What cities did Louis Wu visit in original version?

    Maybe this is a commonly asked question, but I can't find an answer anywhere: In the first edition of Ringworld (the one with the "mistakes"), Louis Wu transfers from city to city in order to extend his birthday. In the first edition, he was headed east, until Larry Niven corrected that in...
  17. Nadja

    (Found... Almost Certainly) Book and author name help

    All I can remember is newly colonized planet (I think). There were nasty predators that they wiped out, only to find out a few seasons later that they were needed to control an even nastier threat. I'd love to read it again if I could remember the name and/or author. Thanks for any help.
  18. Lew Rockwell Fan

    question for Poul Anderson or Larry Niven fans

    Somewhere in this very room I'm typing in I have paperbacks with the answers to my question, but even if I knew for sure which ones to look for, I'm darned if I could find them. (Yeah, I kinda neatness challenged). Poul Anderson (I think it was him, but correct me if I misremember) took a poem...
  19. Wasserperson

    (Found) Book about planetary colonists regrowing their ship

    RESOLVED -- Somehow just writing the post got me thinking of the right terms for success where previous googling failed: Building Harlequin's Moon. Mod note: feel free to delete this post. Original post: Can't remember title, author... Plot revolves around 2nd gen of marooned colonists...
  20. Frost Giant

    Flight Of The Horse

    Does anyone remember this old book? It is listed on Amazon but I can't post the link here at present. I lost my copy long ago but I thought it was memorable. It came off like a good Twilight Zone episode.