laura j underwood

  1. A

    The Hounds of Ardagh

    The Hounds of Ardagh Laura J. Underwood Five Star, Oct 2006, $25.95 ISBN: 1594143765 Mageborn Ginny Ni Cooley is content living alone in her little cottage in Tamhasg Woods as she offers her services to her neighbors. Her mentor, Manus MacGreeley, has died and come back to the world as a ghost...
  2. LauraJUnderwood

    Bear Hunt

    Sorcerous Signals latest issue is on the web. I have a story in that issue titled "Bear Hunt" which is one of my Hammer Maid tales. The last time I had a Hammer Maid story out was in RevolutionSF some years ago. In fact, the story is still...
  3. S

    Review: Dragon's Tongue by Laura K Underwood

    6th August 2013 04:22 PM Tim James Laura J Underwood has been a member of the Chronicles Network since August 2006, and although not a prolific poster looks in regularly. She has the stunningly clever user name of LauraJUnderwood. I have had no interaction with her, but it is nice to know...
  4. LauraJUnderwood

    Kickstarter for Spellbound

    Spellbound and Spindles: Fairy Tale Anthologies by Eggplant Literary Productions — Kickstarter Spellbound Magazine is fantasy aimed at younger readers. They successfully started the magazine back up, and now Eggplant Literary Productions, Inc. wants to go one step beyond. So they are...
  5. LauraJUnderwood

    Bad City

    BAD CITY is up for preorder, scheduled to be released sometime later this month. And yes, it will soon be available for Nook and Kindle... Here's the Link: This is book two of the Holmes and Storm mystery series by Selina Rosen and myself. And if...
  6. dwndrgn

    Dragon's Tongue, Laura J. Underwood

    I won't have the chance to write a full review here, but I did want to post some comments on the book for others' edification. I was eager to begin this book as it seemed to be all that I would enjoy in a fantasy, and for the most part I wasn't disappointed (though, sadly, there were no...
  7. Teresa Edgerton

    Book Review: DRAGON'S TONGUE, by Laura J. Underwood

    This is a fast-paced tale of magic and music (the author herself is a musician and instrument-maker, who can be spotted sometimes at conventions playing the beautiful harp that she made herself). For the most part light-hearted and adventurous, DRAGON'S TONGUE also has its darker moments...