m john harrison

  1. tegeus-Cromis

    M. John Harrison's new novel

    M. John Harrison's new novel, The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again, will be released on June 25 (in the States, at least; maybe earlier in the UK?). From the description on Amazon, it sounds like it incorporates Harrison's earlier "Kindle Single," "The 4th Domain," explaining why that piece...
  2. A


    Viriconium M. John Harrison Bantam, Nov 2005, $16.00 ISBN: 0553383159 VIRICONIUM is a reprint of three excellent novellas and seven related by the city short stories. Each novella is well written with the first one “The Pastel City” the easiest to follow as it is more of a straightforward sword...
  3. A

    Nova Swing

    Nova Swing M. John Harrison Bantam, Sep 2007, $16.00 ISBN 9780553385014 Years have passed since pilot Ed Chianese in 2400 AD crashed into the Kefahuchi Tract (see LIGHT) and a piece of the Tract fell to earth leading to a strange alien like phenomena that also brought early capitalism to the...
  4. Victoria Silverwolf

    "Signs of Life" by M. John Harrison (1998)

    SIGNS OF LIFE by M. John Harrison (1998) I first came across the writings of M. John Harrison with his first novel, THE PASTEL CITY. It had a fairly typical heroic fantasy plot, but it was unusually imaginative and well-written. Since then, what I have seen of Harrison's work has continued to...
  5. ravenus

    John Harrison - Viriconium

    I just browsed through a bit of it, and it seemed mildly interesting but I'm unsure. Can anyone who has read this give me a gist of what it's about. I don't normally like swords-and-sorcery fiction (I couldn't bear to read past FoTR, to give you an indication), so I would like to know if this...