michael grant

  1. A

    Books Similar to 'Gone'- Michael Grant

    So I was wondering if anyone knew of any books similar to those in Michael Grant's book series 'Gone'. I'm looking for a book which contains a relationship between two teens preferably with a sort of thriller theme. A specific request I know but if anyone knows of any books similar to the Gone...
  2. A

    Gone-Michael Grant

    Gone Michael Grant Harper, Jun 2008, $17.99 ISBN: 9780061448768 Abracadabra anyone over thirteen years old simply vanished. Preadolescent kids are stunned when they realize there is no one ordering them about. Soon that shock turns to fear as a tough mentality begins to create a social...
  3. Mark Robson

    Michael Grant - Gone

    I think my favourite book of last year (2009) across all genres was 'Gone' by Michael Grant. The pace, the vision and the bizarre nature of the story really caught my imagination. I couldn't wait for the paperback of the sequel, 'Hunger', and having bought it in hardback last week, I devoured...