mick farren

  1. A


    Conflagration Mick Farren Tor, May 30, 2006, $27.95 ISBN: 0765313634 The fearsome “Four” teens (Cordelia, Jesamine, Argo and Raphael) function as one when they must psychically battle the Dark Things in the Other Place in their quest to contain the evil Mosul Empire and its malevolent...
  2. P

    (Probably found) long lost book:post apocalyptic feel with appearances by knights, midgets and...Elvis

    Hi all I have been searching a while to re-find a book I read a long while ago, which was checked out from the library about 10 years ago. I have exhausted my Google skills searching for this odd book I am longing to re-read. My guess is that the book was written in the late 70s or 80s...