mike shevdon

  1. S

    Review: The Road To Bedlam by Mike Shevdon

    15th October 2010 11:39 AM stephenpalmer Mike Shevdon The Road To Bedlam In Mike Shevdon’s debut novel Sixty-One Nails the reader was introduced to a world of what might best be described as urban Faerie, a place of dangerous dark Faerie courts, ancient rituals and secret magical battle...
  2. Stephen Palmer

    Mike Shevdon, The Road To Bedlam

    Mike Shevdon The Road To Bedlam In Mike Shevdon's debut novel Sixty-One Nails the reader was introduced to a world of what might best be described as urban Faerie, a place of dangerous dark Faerie courts, ancient rituals and secret magical battle. I enjoyed the novel a lot and asked Angry...
  3. Stephen Palmer

    Sixty-One Nails by Mike Shevdon

    One of the two books in my Alt.Fiction goodie-bag was 'Sixty-One Nails' by Mike Shevdon. I've been reading it this week, and finished it yesterday. You could be forgiven for thinking, upon reading the blurb, "oh no not again..." We have here the seven courts of Faerie, a London setting, dark...