morgan llywelyn

  1. A

    The Greener Shore: A Novel of the Druids of Hibernia

    The Greener Shore: A Novel of the Druids of Hibernia Morgan Llywelyn Ballantine, May 2006, $24.95 ISBN 0345477669 Ainvar looks back towards the land as he sails west with his three wives and other survivors on the vast sea knowing his side lost to the swords of the Romans. Caesar destroyed the...
  2. C

    (Probably Found) Finding two books I read a long time ago, Fantasy

    Both of them are science fiction/fantasy novels. Both span more than one book. The first one: A pair of evil twins, a guy and a girl rule over the land. They have the ability to create voids or some type of black nexus tornado which can destroy things. The hero of the story, when he is...