philip jose farmer

  1. G

    (Found) Pocket universes

    Read a book or perhaps series of books about 20 years ago. It was about pocket universes created by “wizards”. I think it was a blend of science fiction and fantasy. I thought it contained the word flux but searches aren’t helping using that word.
  2. M

    (Found) Building a society in an alternate world after death

    I read a novel in the early eighties (could have been written around that time period or could have been written earlier). The basic plot was a series of famous people who died get transitioned into a new, primitive world. I think there were also other, non-famous characters. The world has no...
  3. C

    (Found) Help finding a SF book series.

    The Sci Fi series of books starts out with an old man (80) looking at house property with his fat wife. When looking in the basement he hears a horn blast and portal opens up and the old man sees a jungle with a man holding a horn. The man throws the horn and hits the old man in the shins and...
  4. M

    (Probably Found) Book where people are active one day a week (they are 'stoned' the rest of the week / molecular movement halted)

    Trying to find a book I read years ago - mankind has invented the ability to stop all molecular movement (called 'stoning'). Humans share houses and only become unstoned one day a week - rest of time they freeze (stone) their body. Plot covers people who have the ability to be 'awak' across days.
  5. P

    (Found) 50 Years of DecPop (maybe 100) Years of Decreasing Population - Disease / Infection greatly reduces the fertility of mankind

    Title is 50 (maybe 100) Years of DecPop (Decreasing Population). Could be a story or a book; I don't remember. Disease / Infection greatly reduces the fertility of mankind; birth rate much lower than replacement. Buildings not populated by people are torn down as the occupants die off or move...
  6. J

    (Found) Short Alt-history SF story

    Maybe Medieval time period, the world is flat, with an ocean surrounding the continents. From a morse operator on an exploring sailing ship; "Angels wingtip to wingtip fill space, transmitter realizes the Angels, CW signal: continuous wingheight. Msg received from beyond the edge, " It is the...
  7. P

    (Found) Looking for a sci fi novel

    In an overpopulated world, everyone is restricted to living one day a week. For the other six days they are in stoned (I think that's the term). But one man has worked out how to live every day. I imagine it's at least twenty years since I read it. I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
  8. A

    A Feast Unknown-Philip José Farmer

    A Feast Unknown Philip José Farmer Titan Books, Oct 9 2012 $12.95 ISBN: 9781781162880 In 1968 septuagenarian Lord Grandrith looks back at his life as he enjoys living in Africa looking like a thirty year old person. He learned early on that he is the illegitimate son of Jack...
  9. E

    (Found... Almost Certainly) SEX Filled (erotic) Science Fiction/alien novel HELP

    Hello all - Please see if you can answer this question - I read a novel around 1983 - 85 that I thought was a nominee for a hugo award, but I could be mistaken - however, here is the basic plot (from memory 30 years later) - plot - A detective in a future Los Angeles, where everyone in the...
  10. Bick

    Philip Jose Farmer book with Silverberg Cover

    Hi, I don't know if this has ever come up before, but what do you think? The Grafton (1980s) paperback release of Philip Jose Farmer's "Dayworld", clearly has a cover that depicts the Urbmons of Robert Silverberg's "The World Inside". I wonder why? Anyone else noticed this? It does not...
  11. D

    (Probably Found) Red eyed Centaur Plant

    Now that I got your attention. Seeking a title of a novel set at the end of the universe. One of the characters was a cyclopic centaur plant. Any ideas?
  12. F

    (Found) 80's Series

    Hi there, Im hoping that someone can help me out. Im trying to remember a series of books that came out in the late 80s/early 90s. My memory is not the best (or I would remember them lol) but I will try to put down what I do remember. I think there were 5 or more books, and they may have been...
  13. D

    (Found... Almost Certainly) Weird book - 1967

    I am curious about a book I read when I was 11 (in 1967). I was already an avid sci-fi reader and while visiting my grandmother I checked a book out of the library of a tiny town in Iowa. Little did they know, and I did not realize, that it was somewhat pornographic. In this book a trio of...
  14. biodroid

    Philip Jose Farmer - Passed away

    Haven't read any of his books but I thought it should be mention that he passed away. Sci-fi author dies: Entertainment: International: News24
  15. booksforlunch

    Riverworld by Philip José Farmer

    Today I found a pamphlet in a newly purchased book, showing the new releases of the publisher´s Fantasy - line. They are putting out new german paperback editions of the Riverworld series, and ever since I, when I was around twelve, read a short summary of the series in an old Science - Fiction...
  16. F

    (Found) Prehistoric/time travel/circular timeline theme

    I remember reading this story many years ago, & wonder if anyone can tell me its name or author? I probably read it in about 1976. A man is sent back in time 12,000 years or so, to post-glacial Europe (there is something about extreme longevity too). His adventures are described amongst...
  17. Addy

    Maker of Universes (World of Tiers series)

    I just finished reading Maker of Universes, by Philip Jose Farmer, which is the first book in the World of Tiers series. Anyone else read it? How do you like it? I found the first book was deeply rooted in the pulp tradition, and very much indebted to the pioneers of science fiction, like...
  18. The Wanderer

    Philip José Farmer

    I'm just reading, 'The Unreasoning Mask', great read Never read, 'To Your Scattered Bodies Go', would like to though Any Opinions?
  19. darthgunner

    (Found... eventually) Anyone Else Remember this one ?

    When I was around 13, lets say 1987 or 1988 I recall reading a SF book about some tribal types with these crystals that would shine with inner light, who go on a journey along this highway. It is an ancient and unknown origin type highway, that had always been indestructible, but was beginning...
  20. C

    (Found) Looking for title/author of obscure SF novel.

    Ive read so many sci-fi novels over the years that I often can't remember the names. One such novel I read in high school (at least 15 years ago). I can remember some rather odd specific details and hopefully one of you will recognize it. The novel takes place in earth's extreme distant future...