philip pullman

  1. Dave

    Philip Pullman

    Sir Philip Nicholas Outram Pullman born Norwich, England: 19 October 1946 Philip Pullman is an English author of novels, short stories and essays. He known within the SFF genre for his young adult and children’s books, especially his fantasy novels, and for his re-working of Grimm’s fairy...
  2. Dan Jones

    Chronscast Season 1 Episode 1 - Northern Lights with Stephen Palmer

    Chronscast is LIVE! :love: It's taken six months or so since @Phyrebrat and I first sketched out our ideas of what the SFF Chronicles podcast would look like (or sound like) and we've come quite a long way in bringing this to fruition. I hope everyone gets a kick out of it. Special thanks go...
  3. M

    (Found) Female protagonist (linguist? Researcher?) travels somewhere, finds tall trees with seed pods that local sentient creatures use as wheels

    Travels to their village on the back of one of these seed wheeled unicycles and learns their language. The village is threatened by large birds (?) or boats. I vaguely recall she is being pursued by someone from her home world, and something or someone is threatening the trees. Writing style...
  4. nixie

    Philip Pullman; La Belle Sauvage.

    First book in The Book of Dust trilogy. Started this yesterday, entertaining so far. Malcolm is a well behaved boy, helps his parents in their tavern, helps out the nuns in the priory, happy to help anyone. In his free time he plays with his daemon Asta and sailing his canoe. Strange visitors...
  5. tegeus-Cromis

    New, long interview with Philip Pullman It's frustrating, though, that while they ask him about the decor of the room he's in, he never mentions the piano or the three ukuleles proudly displayed stop what looks like a clavichord (or...
  6. Pyan

    Sir Philip Pullman...

    (y) Congratulations to Sir Philip Pullman, who is given a knighthood in the 2019 New Year Honours List, for services to literature.
  7. Werthead

    Philip Pullman announces a DARK MATERIALS sequel trilogy

    Well, that just happened. Philip Pullman has written (and possibly completed) The Book of Dust, a prequel and sequel trilogy to His Dark Materials. It starts with Lyra as a baby and explores how she ended up at Oxford, and then jumps forward to 30 years after the original trilogy. Pullman has...
  8. I

    Golden Compass 20th anniversary ed - Question

    Hello, Recently a 20th anniversary edition was released for the Golden Compass - by Philip Pullman. It's my favourite book series so I'm interested in it, but I can't find a lot of information about it. For anybody that has seen it and is familiar with the series, does it include the Lantern...
  9. A

    Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version-Philip Pullman

    Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version Philip Pullman Viking, Nov 8 2012, $27.95 ISBN: 9780670024971 “Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm” contains fifty “Children’s Stories and Household Tales” in “A New English Version” with each entry including a very brief enlightening...
  10. Steve S

    Philip Pullman - Q & A

    Short but interesting Q & A with Philip Pullman on the BBC website - see here. Some nice insights into his work; definitely worth a read.
  11. R

    Philip Pullman

    Has anyone read the series 'His Dark Materials' by this author, which caught my eye at the book shop? There were 3 volumes - Northern Lights The Sable Knife The Amber Spyglass So can anyone tell me if this is a good author and...
  12. O

    Philip Pullman

    There's no section for this very talented author, so I will post this here. Philip Pullman CBE (born October 19, 1946), is a British writer, educated at Exeter College, Oxford, who is the best-selling author of the His Dark Materials trilogy of fantasy novels and a number of other books...
  13. O

    What would your Dæmon be like?

    As there has been a request about this, so I am posting. I love the idea of having a Dæmon. For one thing, I would not be so lonely all the time having someone beside you all the time who is your ally, your friend, someone who is actually "you" but is another being. My Dæmon, once settled...
  14. O

    Dæmons vs. Human Soul

    In Philip Pullman's -- His Dark Materials Trilogy -- he introduced the concept of the Dæmon - something that I thought was a pet-like entity while I read the first book but then realized it wasn't for it in fact was the soul of the owner. This concept is really new to me -- although I...
  15. O

    Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Trilogy

    managed to grab me a copy of the first two books and I am already hooked on this story. no doubt that it would soon be converted into film soon, so I joined message boards for it already. Anyway, back to the books. Pullman's style is very good. The story is somewhat a cross between sci-fi...
  16. E

    Philip Pullman

    I've started reading Philip Pullman's biography and am fascinated by his ideas and great imagination in His Dark Materials. Though I don't agree with his religious or anti-religious beliefs. What do you all think of Pullman.
  17. T

    Philip Pullman - Northern Lights

    I've been offered this book to read, and wonder if anyone else has read it... :p
  18. K

    Pullman, Philip: His Dark Materials

    Just wondering if anyone's read any of his material. I've read Northern Lights, Subtle Knife, and I'm about 1/2 way thru Amber Spyglass. So ... anyone?