robert l forward

  1. Vertigo

    Dragon’s Egg by Robert L Forward

    Dragon’s Egg is hard SF for serious connoisseurs of hard SF, including a series of appendices at the back that go into considerably more detail about the physics and ‘biology’ of life on the surface of a neutron star, complete with scientific references! Not sure if I would recommend reading...
  2. I

    (Found) Trying to find time/space travel book.

    I've been looking all over Google, Wikipedia, and numerous other sites to no avail in this search. Now Google has directed me here, and I'm hoping one of you can help. I remember reading a good book in high school (1996-2001) but I can't remember the name or author. The book was largely about...
  3. M

    (Found) Book Search Request!

    Hi All, Sorry for another help me find it request, but I've trying to locate the title of a novel a read years ago and haven't been able to locate it. I'm hoping some here will recognize my description. As I remember it (probably wrong, but here it goes) -Story about earth communicating with...