robin hobb

  1. Ian Fortytwo

    Which Robin Hobb should I read first?

    I am hopefully going to read Robin Hobb, however which book is the best to start with. Is there a particular order. Thank you.
  2. therapist

    Warning about kindle version of Assassin's Apprentice

    I recently bought and read the book on kindle. At the the time of reading I was unaware that the book contains a large preview of the second book in the series. I always keep track on the % of the book I have read. So I got a very unwelcome shock when at 80% through, the book just ended. I was...
  3. Overread

    Assassin's Apprentice (and others) Illustrated Editions

    So I've clearly been out of the loop for a while as it seems last year and earlier they've started printing and selling Illustrated editions of the series! Which prompted me to start doing a hunt to find out how many illustrations and what kinds and all other such details. Though information is...
  4. E

    Let your voice be heard in the upcoming Fitz and the Fool coloring book!

    On Robin Hobb's Facebook page , she's allowing her fans to have input in her next project. Let your voice be heard, please read her Facebook post below: Robin Hobb I hit post too soon! I hate it when I do that! So, to continue the additional information. I would very much like to know what...
  5. E

    Did you get your free Robin Hobb Fitz and the Fool poster?

    If you haven't yet, please check out Robin Hobb's Facebook for instructions. Get it fast while it lasts :)
  6. The Big Peat

    The Limbreth Gate by Megan Lindholm

    This is an odd book. I read it without reading the first two books in the series, or anything else by the author under her Megan Lindholm name. I knew of her talent as Robin Hobb of course, and that the switch of pen names was partially driven by a decision to relaunch her career with a more...
  7. Samaulle

    Stones Busted

    I always think of Stones, it is my economic action. I know it is played with the skill, and that needs to be taken into account - with the way the game is played. I know that Black stones are the highest count, red are the middle, and white the least - so we can assume it is three, two, one, in...
  8. althea

    Assassin's Fate

    I am about half way through this book. I am really enjoying it. I'm trying to read it slowly and savour every word,but as usual,I'm galloping through it because I need to know what happens. Fitz is my favourite hero of all,even though now and then I could give him a slap. Reading this book is...
  9. Alexa

    The Farseer Trilogy trivia

    Now that I'm really sure I can read more about Fitz and Fool's adventures in May. I would like to remember their story since the beginning in The Farseer Trilogy. As there are several volumes, the purpose of this thread is restricted as the title indicates, to The Farseer Trilogy. We can always...
  10. Werthead

    The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb

    The Farseer Trilogy #1: Assassin's Apprentice
  11. FeedMeTV

    Fool's Quest - spoilers!

    I've just finished reading Fool's Quest, the second in the Fitz and the Fool trilogy. Please be aware of spoilers if you haven't finished reading... I have really enjoyed coming back to Fitz' story and learning more about Bee. Fool's Quest is carried along in quite a leisurely pace but, as...
  12. althea

    The Windsingers series

    As you probably all know,Robin Hobb has written books under the name,Megan Lindholm. I thought I had read them all,but found, to my delight that I hadn't read The Windsingers series. There are four books,of which I have now read two. Much as I really admire and enjoy Robin's(Megan's) writing,I...
  13. Mister_Oy

    The Inheritance

    Ok, The Inheritance - a mix of short stories from both Megan Lindholme and Robin Hobb - as we know, the same person. The "Megan" stories are ok. Not great but ok. But then there's "Homecoming" set in the Rain Wilds. If you enjoyed the Rain Wilds Chronicles then this one is a must - very good...
  14. A

    Shaman’s Crossing

    Shaman’s Crossing Robin Hobb Eos, Sep 2005, $25.95, 624 pp. ISBN: 006075625 The military of the Kingdom of Gernia conquers the nomads and other tribes of the uncivilized plains. The king rewards his officers by adding new lines of nobility that not only raises morale among the troops but...
  15. A

    Forest Mage

    Forest Mage Robin Hobb EOS, Sept 2006, $25.95, 736 pp. ISBN 0060757632 After recovering from the plague second son Nevare Burvelle is the only one who feels he is not skin on bones. His doctor believes he is gaining too much weight, a rare symptom of the plague. Nobody believes him that the...
  16. A

    Renegade’s Magic

    Renegade’s Magic Robin Hobb Eos, Feb 2008, $25.95 ISBN 9780060757649 His lover, Lisana enabled Gernian soldier Nevare Burvelle to escape incarceration when she split his soul enabling him to become a Speck mage Soldier’s Boy. However as a nasty by-product, two personalities conflict over who...
  17. A

    Dragon Keeper-Robin Hobb

    Dragon Keeper Robin Hobb Eos, Jan 26 2010, $26.99 ISBN: 9780061561627 Years have passed since the last fatal hatching and the residents of Bingtown and Cassarik have become somewhat complacent as if those who died during the previous infestation never occurred. However, the townsfolk are...
  18. A

    Dragon Haven-Robin Hobb

    Dragon Haven Robin Hobb Eos, May 11 2010, $27.99 ISBN: 9780061931413 Expelled from the Cassarik area by the fear of the locals of the new dragon hatchlings, the beasts and their mutated human keepers continue their journey to find the fabled lost city of Kelingra with danger and starvation...
  19. A

    The Inheritance: And Other Stories-Robin Hobb and Megan Lindholm

    The Inheritance: And Other Stories Robin Hobb and Megan Lindholm Harper Voyager, May 3 2011, $15.99 ISBN: 9780061561641 This ten story collection showcases how talented Margaret Lindholm is as both her pseudonyms have published super shots and novels. The introduction will fascinate fans of...
  20. A

    City of Dragons: Volume Three of the Rain Wilds Chronicles-Robin Hobb

    City of Dragons: Volume Three of the Rain Wilds Chronicles Robin Hobb Harper Voyager, Feb 7 2012, $27.99 ISBN: 9780061561634 The Rain Wilders handlers and their stunted dragons have reached the ancient Elderling city of Kelsingra. However, they cannot cross the treacherous Rain Wild River by...