sean mcmullen

  1. A


    Voidfarer Sean Mcmullen Tor, Feb 2006, $27.95, 400 pp. ISBN 0765314371 Lupanar sorcerers invade the neighboring planet of Scalticar. The locals are overwhelmed as the superior technological forces of the off-worlders prove victorious in battle after battle. Bows and arrows cannot dent the armor...
  2. A

    The Time Engine

    The Time Engine Sean McMullen Tor, Jul 2008, $26.95 ISBN 9780765318763 In 3144 Wayfarer Inspector Danolarian Scryverin had just completed his patrol in the West Quadrant. He stopped at the Mermaid’s Slipper for an ale by himself to reflect about the year of change. He thinks back to the Lupan...
  3. Riselka

    Sean McMullen

    Yesterday I ran across a used copy of a book called "The Miocene Arrow", by Sean McMullen - it looked absolutely fascinating. Now I see that it's actually the second book in a trilogy called "Greatwinter". I'd never heard of McMullen before this, and I'm wondering how many people here are...
  4. dwndrgn

    Sean McMullin, Voyage of the Shadowmoon

    I've just heard about this Australian author and his foray into fantasy (his first big trilogy was mainly SF) that begins with Voyage of the Shadowmoon. Has anyone here read this? I checked out the reviews and they are all good except for one which is the opposite of the others. So, I can't...
  5. S

    Sean McMullen's Greatwinter Trilogy

    Wow! What a series! Will probably be at the top 10 of my all time favourites. I still need to read the last book in the trilogy though. McMullen's characters are very realistically portrayed. Anyone have any comments?