stephen king

  1. AE35Unit

    The Stand by Stephen King (1978,1990)

    This is the full uncut edition and its a truly incredible tour de force of writing. And its only his fourth novel! Quite emotional near the end too...but no spoilers from me. One thing though, for those who've read it. The very end, the final chapter (more of an epilogue) was a bit weird! Is...
  2. ColGray

    Dark Tower Cringe

    I just finished listening to The Dark Tower (first book in the series) and it was good-ish, but holy moly the cringe. I feel like I now know the ur-book everyone refers to when they talk about male authors being unable to write female characters. There are three female characters and each time...
  3. Phyrebrat

    Possible new Dark Tower/Midworld story

    Really excited to have seen this from Stephen King on Twitter.
  4. J

    The Stand Question

    Hello all, I’m reading all Stephen King books in publication order. I’ve read Carrie, salems lot, the shining and next is rage then night shift. Next on the list after them is the stand as you are probably aware but here is my question, I have only the uncut so I’m aware it’s been updated to...
  5. AE35Unit

    Carrie by Stephen King (1974)

    An excellent first novel from 1974 (50 years ago!), the chapter-less story is interspersed with fragments from fictional scientific journals and magazine clippings. Very different to the 1979 film, not sure which I prefer. Each are very separate entities.
  6. AE35Unit

    Blockade Billy by Stephen King

    This is a novella produced in a special small hardback, along with the story Morality (originally published in Esquire magazine) The title story was initially quite dull, but only because I don't watch baseball and so most of it went over my head. But there is a good story buried there and I'm...
  7. Dave

    REVIVAL by Stephen King

    REVIVAL by Stephen King I’ve had a Stephen King-fest in the last year – The Stand, Carrie, Billy Summers, Mr Mercedes, and Fairy Tale – I have Misery, Duma Key and The Green Mile ready to go. One clever thing is how the titles of some of his books seem to work on many different levels. Misery...
  8. Pyan

    Stephen King's books, ranked.

    An interesting article ranking Stephen King's books, ranked #75 to #1, with a brief synopsis and comments. I'd lay bets you'll disagree...;) All 75 Stephen King Books, Ranked
  9. Victoria Silverwolf

    Writers referring to their own works in their fiction

    I happen to be reading Bright New Universe (1967) by Jack Williamson, and this bit of self-reference shows up in dialogue early in the novel. This is obviously a reference to Williamson's own novel The Humanoids. Ever see something like this elsewhere?
  10. Mon0Zer0

    From - Stephen King influenced horror series

    A young family accidentally stumble into a town that "schmigadoon" -like, all exits lead back to the town. Except at night, this town comes alive with flesh eating vampires. One episode into this Salem's lot influenced series and so far it's fantastic. Anyone else heard of it / watched it?
  11. AE35Unit

    The Tommyknockers, Stephen King (1987)

    This was my least favourite King read so far, in fact I came close to not finishing it at one point; it got boring and then developed too many silly plot devices to be taken seriously. (It could have made a great comedy novel!) Along the way King references other works of his (IT, the Shining...
  12. AE35Unit

    Needful Things by Stephen King (1991)

    This is a re-read, I read it years ago but had forgotten a lot of it. Reading it again stuff started to come back, like revisiting an old friend you haven't seen for ages. This is quite a big book, 790 pages, but it just flows and before you know it you're halfway through. Its not that its easy...
  13. AE35Unit

    Pet Sematary by Stephen King (1982)

    I recently saw a movie based on this book, from 2019 I think, not having read it before, and to be honest, the film bears no relation to the events in the book! As for the book itself, it's strange, but not a lot actually happens in this book, its not what I imagined at all, but its so hard to...
  14. Boaz

    (Found) Paperback, near future, read in 1980/81, walking race/competition where the slow are shot.

    I picked up a small paperback from my school library around 1980. The story dealt with a teenage boy who volunteered (against his parents wishes) for a great walking competition. The grand prize was a huge amount of money and a wish.It was a nationally televised event run by an infamous army...
  15. Phyrebrat


    I thought I would risk a bragging of the cool Yule present my sister got me... It’s a thing of beauty. pH
  16. D

    New Book, The Institute

    The Institute, published 10th September! ....I got it this morning. I'm starting it right now. (Well actually about thirty minutes ago!) Gripping so far.
  17. Toby Frost

    Random thoughts on rewatching The Shining

    Spoilers follow 1) The man who speaks to Jack at the ball isn’t the same man described by Mr Ullmann at the interview near the start of the film. Ullmann calls him Charles Grady, and says that he was the caretaker. The man Jack meets is called Delbert Grady, and is dressed like a butler or...
  18. AE35Unit

    'Salem's Lot by Stephen King (1975)

    Yes another King book under my belt... I need to catch up you see, and I really do like a good horror story..this one doesn't dissapoint. Now most people's memory of 'Salem's Lot will be flavoured by the 70s TV series featuring David Soul as Ben Mears. Well I don't remember the series that well...
  19. AE35Unit

    IT by Stephen King (1986)

    First things first this is a big book, just over 1100 pages, and for years now this book has sat on the shelf taunting me, and I wanted to read it but it's size kept putting me off. I don't have a great deal of reading time so it just sat there, waiting. Recently I watched both versions of the...
  20. nixie

    Black House, Stephen King & Peter Straub

    Reading Black House, I am surprised with the amount of cross references there is too the Dark Tower. I know a lot of King's book do but this one is a collaboration with another author. I did struggle with the third person narrative at first, unusual as normally third person doesn't bother me...