steven barnes

  1. A

    Beowulf’s Children-Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Steven Barnes

    Beowulf’s Children Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Steven Barnes Tor, Aug 2009, $14.99 ISBN: 9780765320889 Upon their arrival on Avalon the Earth Born never fully recovered from the extended hibernation whereas their Star Born children have thrived. The Earth Born have not forgotten their...
  2. Omphalos

    The Legacy of Heorot, by Niven, Pournelle & Barnes

    I can clearly remember that at one particular point in my life when I decided that I loved SF and that I would do my damndest to read as much of it as possible. It was the day that I finished, for the first of many times, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle’s colonization and biological SF...
  3. L

    Pournelle, Niven and Barnes:- Legacy of Heorot

    Pournelle, Nivern and Barnes:- Legacy of Heorot Ok, I know its three different authors but they have to fit in somewhere. The book? Its a fantastic story. 200 humans and a ship full of frozen animal embryo's arrive at a planet called Tau Ceti four and set up a base on a small island next to a...