theodore sturgeon

  1. Extollager

    (Found) Sturgeon’s mid-century review of Eddison’s Worm Ouroboros

    A review by Theodore Sturgeon, probably in a magazine rather than a fanzine, of Eddison’s classic fantasy put a veteran reader onto the book. The review appeared in the 1950s or maybe very early 1960s, but definitely years before Ballantine’s late-1960s reprint. The review might have been of...
  2. psikeyhackr

    Theodore Sturgeon ruined Vulcan Culture

    Theodore Sturgeon wrote one of the top 10 episodes of TOS, Amok Time. This episode took Spock, Kirk and McCoy to the Vulcan home world and introduced Pon Farr the peculiar Vulcan sexual practice. This behavior seems to contradict Vulcan's rational behavior and has been used in numerous Trek...
  3. Aersling

    (Found) Most Dangerous Man in the Galaxy

    I'm looking for the name/author of a sf short story about a prisoner aboard a spaceship being taken into exile. He has the ability to control others by making them mistrust each other, and gets the crew to do double watches so they can check on each other. He ends up on a planet alone but even...
  4. Guttersnipe

    What Are the Best Theodore Sturgeon Short Stories?

    I personally have only read "Bianca's Hands", "The Professor's Teddy Bear", "The Other Celia", and "The Bones." Which are your favorites of his, and what should I read if I want to read something quintessential to his style?
  5. Hikes in Rain

    (Found) Long Lost Story "Come watch men build" (Not the Title)

    Looking for a short story, title and author unknown. (Of course!) Takes place on another planet. Humanoid population. Unusual humans, as we learn. Most of them can figure out almost anything, even though they live in an agrarian civilization. There's a male antagonist, quite different from...
  6. Al Jackson

    Theodore Sturgeon

    Surprising here not to see Ted Sturgeon's name in the author's 'list'. When I was first in university in 1960 had an English teacher who belittled science fiction. Asked him to read Sturgeon's novel More Than Human. I got a copy for him. He told me he was quite surprised, Sturgeon reminded him...
  7. Altdude

    (Found) Can't recall this short story that dealt with killer music!

    In the late 60's I recall a sci-fi short story plot dealing with a musician or orchestra conductor who creates a bizarre music hall that is designed to collapse when a specific symphony, written by the conductor, is played. The weird plot reveals that the symphony will create acoustics that...
  8. northernexposure

    (Found) Brown Shoes?

    Looking for an old sf story. I remeber it as named Brown Shoes, but I could be wrong. A man and woman, hippies, are leading a hippy life style, when the man has a realization about a technology that would bring cheap or free power to the world. He becomes a suit-wearing member of society...
  9. J-Sun

    Heinlein Letter: Sturgeon's Writer's Block

    Letters of Note: The Heinlein Maneuver Pretty amazing.
  10. S

    (Found) Short story, computer that can answer any question refuses to do so.

    Years ago, I read a short story about an IBM computer that could come up with answers to any question, but had apparently malfunctioned as it refused to answer questions put to it by certain politicians. The repairman fixed it by removing the (IBM-standard-issue) sign on the wall that said...
  11. E

    (Found) Forgot title: fast evolving tiny race in lab

    Years ago when I was in college; around 1982, I read a short story that I am trying to remember the title of. From what I recall, the plot was about a scientist who 'grows' a race of beings that evolve very fast. Also they are tiny. He watches them go from 'cave beings' to the industrial age...
  12. jojajihisc

    Theodore Sturgeon - Venus Plus X

    I just finished this book today and I'll stop short of calling it the best science fiction novel I have ever read in the event my enthusiasm cools after I've had more time to think about it, but this was a great book. It's the story of a man who wakes up and finds himself in a world he doesn't...
  13. D_Davis

    Theodore Sturgeon - My reviews and stuff

    I've been reading Philip K. Dick for about 15 years, ever since I was in high school. I am a bit sad that, soon, I will have read all of his science fiction novels. This treasure trove of fiction is almost mined completely. And so, it was with great joy that, a few years ago, I happened to...
  14. C

    (Found) Does anyone know this book?

    It was written in the 50's or 60's and is about a group of people that are drawn to each other through varied types of paranormal gifts or curses. A male and female involved in studing the paranormal and some others from the study, some of whom are retarded blind or have other forms of handicaps...
  15. J

    (Found) Theodore Sturgeon Story Help

    Hi, I read a short story by Theodore Sturgeon some years ago and now cannot remember the title. The story was about a woman that served as a (sex facilitator?) on a space ship. She was referred to as piggy. I think she had issues with being unattractive and most people felt she looked like a...
  16. K

    Was this by Theodore Sturgeon?

    Many years ago, in a sci-fi anthology, I read a brilliant short story by, I think, Theodore Sturgeon, but I have since lost the book so I can't quote the title, but it has intrigued me ever since. It went something like this: It is Florence in the 16th century, and banking, more or less as we...
  17. Z

    Sturgeon, Theodore: Killdozer !!!!!!!

    Killdozer !!!!!!! Yesterday i fished reading Killdozer. I just have to ask. Did anyone else find it hard to figure the construction worker jargon? I have never been to a construction site. So I didn't know any of the terms and machines that were talk about. Anyhow, it is a great...