tom deitz

  1. S

    (Found) Fantasy Book.. title/author help please?

    Unfortunately I don't have much to go on.. 1980s or 1990s.. one of a series and the main character told tarot on how his day would go by what he did first thing in morning which was listen to the radio and read his tarot by songs he hear in their entirety... wish I could remember more :(
  2. M

    (Found) Early 90's series with 'radio tarot' as sub-theme

    Looking for a series I remember reading around the early 90's. I can not remember much about it (except that I liked it), what I do remember: 1. It was an urban/modern day fantasy setting 2. Running sub-theme was that the protaganist would read his fortune by using the first songs he heard on...
  3. S

    (Found) Sidhe kingdom abouts SE USA, fairy king wars against humans

    Hello. I once read a fantasy novel whose author and title I can't remember, and I'm in the mood to reread it and any others in its series. I either used to own it and have lost it over the years (probably by loaning it to someone and not getting it back) or else someone loaned it to me once...
  4. H

    (Found) Look through legs at a funeral - second sight

    Hello. Usual. Trying to find a book read around 1985. Sketchy but based in US. Boy drove a Mustang or something like that and was listening to U2. He gained the second sight to see the Shee? by mistakenly looking through his legs at a funeral procession. Think he had a baby brother who was...