On the verge of casting "Kelpie" aside like a tattered old garment

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
In an effort to simplify my life -- and weary of the effort required to maintain three different identities -- I've decided to rid myself of one of my extra personas. Obviously, as "Kelpie" is the identity with the least excuse for continuing she is the one who will have to go. She was only a stalling tactic to begin with, while I made up my mind whether I wanted to be Madeline here or Teresa (since at that time I couldn't be both). As it turned out that I made up my mind fairly quickly, she was, essentially, a mistake which ought to have been rectified long ago.

But once Kelpie is gone, there remains the question of what to call myself, because I would like to use something that combines both the real me and the nom de plume. Both names written out in full would be too long (and I am sure we aren't allowed that many letters anyway) -- but whether to call myself Madeline-Teresa or Teresa/Madeline or Madeline H. (Teresa E.), or some other variation is something of a puzzle. I am still pondering the matter -- also searching the internet for a new avatar. Something pleasing to the eye, but expressive of a double identity -- mirror twins, or woman and shadow, or something like a playing card queen with two slightly different images top and bottom. So far no luck, and I'm running out of places to look, but I'm not quite ready to give up yet.

Once I have figured all of this out, however, expect to see me in a fresh new guise.
That would only add to the confusion -- and the idea is to dispel mystery, not to create it.
Just when I was getting used to Kelpie (I nearly asked you to sign my copy of your book with it! :) ).
I would argue that online identities are always different to real life ones, even more so in a forum based system rather than 'live chat' where you have the opportunity to dwell on what you say and rejig the content before posting.

Having said that, how about a combination? Tereline? Maderesa?
Ok, I'm just being silly now. ;)
Honestly does it really matter? As long as the posts by Kelpie are your thoughts, opinions and feelings, then I think it doesn't.

It is when people start playing games with their online persona things become sticky. If you post as you, it doesn't matter what you are called.:)

How many of us have life long friends, or ourselves for that matter, that are known more by their nicknames than their real ones?
What if you put one of the names as the screen name and the other where is says now, Fictitious Personality.
Lacedaemonian said:
Goodbye Kelps. What about Mad Terry? :)

Now I was going to suggest Mad Hedge, but that probably isn't the message that Teresa is trying to give either! ;)

To be honest, I think that putting Madeline Howard as a user name with 'aka Teresa Edgerton' underneath would probably work just fine. Or vice versa, if you feel so inclined. The only question in my mind would be which of your two remaining personas would you wish to be at the top? For sanity's sake, you may wish to have your real name as the user name and your fictitious name as the aka. Either way, it would be easy enough for someone new to decipher.

The regulars here all know who Kelpie is, and at the rate threads disappear off the bottom of the active boards it would not take long for references to Kelpie to slide into the oblivion of the archives. I don't think you would find you were answering the question 'Who is Kelpie?' for very long.
I've been dwndrgn so long, I would miss it terribly if I were to change it. I like Kelpie. Couldn't you combine that with the others and keep Kelpie as the user name but your real name in the underneath sort of as Mark suggested? It's not like you are currently trying to hide who you are, but I understand your need to keep things simple - especially for new members who might not be familiar with your online persona.

Oh, and I'll keep an eye out for a suitable avatar.
Lacedaemonian said:
Goodbye Kelps. What about Mad Terry? :)
I suggest combining the two names...

and so on.

Whatever you decide we will miss Kelpie but happy your staying. :)
"Mad Terry" (or Mad Anyone) comes uncomfortably near the truth these days, and as I am attempting to pull myself together, in all senses of the word, taking on that label would probably be counter-productive.

Part of the issue is that I am thinking about closing down the message boards on both of my websites and directing people here instead. (Making the Chronicles my official forum, as Brian suggested a while back.) I don't expect hordes of enthusiastic fans to arrive, but even if a scattered few wander in looking for me, it would be nice if they could find me without having to struggle with any more alternative names than necessary. Meanwhile, I wouldn't like people I have been talking with for months (but who don't frequent this sub-forum and are not up-to-date on the whole identity issue) to read one of my posts and think, "Who is this strange person, with whom I am utterly unacquainted, that addresses me with such unwarranted familiarity?"

And I did actually think about just putting both names in the User Title underneath "Kelpie," but I'm sure they wouldn't fit. (I tried to enter in "Writer of Lurid Adventure Novels" at one point, and was cut off long before I reached the end.) Brian appears to have limited how many letters/spaces we can use, after some new members tried using that function to enter in their entire life stories.

I suppose the real problem is that I am looking for a solution that will solve several thorny issues at once, and that just isn't possible. Whoever I am, I might just have to accept that I can't eat my cake and have it too.
I joined relatively recently, but right off the bat I noticed (and really liked) your user name (the other that caught my eye was nixie). I thought both were unique and apropos. I will miss it, but your true character is in what you write and not what you are called, and we will recognise you by that.
You apparently have a fondness for aquatic fairies, elvet.

But unless we get someone using a handle like "Lorelei" in here pretty soon, nixie will be left to hold that fort alone.
People should put more thought into their name, just ditch my -y and you're pretty much have me :D

Edit: And I also wanted to say the MAd Terry made me laugh :D
Oh Steve, I already feel enough like Sybil without making matters worse by taking on her name!

(After steeping myself for all these years in the fantasy genre, I naturally hold a firm belief in the magical power of names.)

Not that it wouldn't be an appropriate name in its way, since I used to be engaged in the sibylline trade. In fact ... but no, that's another topic -- and not a bad idea for a thread, all things considered.
And you look so good mate. I always liked calling you Mads even though I always knew it wasn't your name. I may still call you Mads from time to time. :)

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