Has Robert Jordan Ever Actually Met A Woman?*

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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
I just cast down my copy of 'The Path of Daggers' and ran to the computer to see if anyone else felt as exasperated as I by the devolution of 'The Wheel of Time' into the 'Robert Didn't Have Many Girlfriends - Here's Why' series. I found this thread on Google. Hope you don't mind me joining in.
(I know...this should really be in the 'What's With All The Braid-Pulling' thread, but I feel Mr Jordan's acutely embarrassing views on human sexual interaction need as much criticism as possible. Sorry.)

Anyway. What IS with all the braid-pulling? We all know (how could we not?) that this is Nynaeve's signature feature; but as the books - ahem - progress, virtually all the female characters are gradually coalescing into one ur-female: catty, bad-tempered, prudish, domineering, childish and parochial.

I struggle to think of another series of books - outside of the supermarket romance section possibly - in which women are so maddeningly misrepresented. The amount of time spent brushing hair, arranging clothing (real and imagined), gossiping, glaring really hard, mooning over some future husband and blushing at the merest whiff of sexual impropriety would be tiresome in a book about boarding-school 'gals' having pillow-fights and getting up to high-jinks in the rec. In a series purportedly about the epic battle against unimaginable evil...Well, put it this way; if I were Shai'tan I'd have re-sealed my own prison by now and think myself well out if it.
And if I were Rand, Lan, Perrin or any of the other hopelessly gauche male characters* I'd have happily thrown myself into the Pit after Book Four.

And while we're on the subject of Rand et al, what is it about these absurd women they find so irresistible? Is it the blushing? The faint (and not so faint) air of contempt that accompanies their every interaction with males? Even stolid Perrin surely can't enjoy Faile's pathological jealousy, her spiteful delight in visiting torment and general inability to act as a grown up. [Faile is just an example - replace her with Faile's mother, Elayne, Elayne's mother, Nynaeve, Aviendha, Nynaeve and Aviendha's mothers (not that we've met them but I'm feeling confident) any number of Queens, Aes Sedai**, Maidens, Wise Ones etc. etc. and this sentence still works.]

Perhaps it's their looks - after all, virtually every single female in the series is either pretty (pre-pubescent), beautiful (twentysomething) or 'handsome' (hag). I wish someone at Tor would tell Mr Jordan that women can make interesting and/or powerful characters without being:
a) good-looking, or:
b) constantly folding their arms beneath their breasts.

Apologies to all die-hard fans of Mr Jordan's work, but in my view any semblance of plausible female characterisation - as opposed to caricature - died with the stilling of Siuan and the disappearance of Moiraine.

When 'The Wheel of Time' began I very much enjoyed Mr Jordan's imaginary world. It was filled with all sorts of interesting and original ideas and his efforts to create roles other than 'Princess Waiting to be Rescued' for his female characters were laudable. However, something...strange...happened, the different women all became essentially the same person and now the series feels as though it is being written by someone's maiden aunt.

I can't imagine why anyone would set aside a perfectly good fantasy epic in order to waste hundreds - no, thousands - of pages setting out a pitifully naive, adolescent and clearly erroneous view of what women are. Whatever the reasons, I fear they might be...kinda creepy.

* Yes I know he's married. It was a joke.
**This is a thread for another day.
***Speaking ofAes Sedai; don't you wish they'd remained ineffable and inscrutable rather than revealing themselves to be just as infantile and silly as every other woman - albeit with better skin?

I've expressed elsewhere on these forums that Jordan's one-dimensional characterizations, especially with regard to his one-size-fits-all women, began to grow very tiresome ... and yet rather than cast those characterizations aside, knowing that he's already filled in the readers on this quirk and that mannerism and this gesture and that habit, he pushed them even further to the forefront while putting the actual plot on the backburner.
Good points :p I particularly agree with your *** ;)

I also thought it incredibly annoying that a strong woman you could respect (Siuan) and her second (can't remember her name) became twelve-year-olds as soon as they were stilled. The keeper of the chronicles became an air-headed bimbo within about twenty minutes. Wtf was that all about?
I agree - but the really sad thing is that his wife's his editor and all of these problems with female characterisation still exist. You know that WoT's in trouble when his fans try and defend the unrealistic female characters by pointing out that the male characters aren't much more realistic.
(It's ridiculous that he manages to make them this unrealistic - eg the Aes Sedai - who are practically a carbon copy of Frank Herbert's Bene Gesserit - yet even when he's attempting to copy he can't keep even a fraction of the depth of the characters).
i read that he used to listen in on women's conversations to try and find out how they interact. and didn't seem to get that women in a big gang together are NOT the same as women on their own, women in mixed company, women with children. everyone is different depending on who they're with! some things you keep to yourself, other ways you can be more free. spying on women talking isn't the best way to write them!

on another forum there was a HUGE discussion about this, and i was told, a fair few times, that the women are all really different, and was then told, this one like sbooks, this one is lascivious, this one like clothes, or cakes or something! as if one little like/dislike is enough to make the characters stand out. it was also suggested to me that jordan wrote the women like this on purpose, as a reversal of gender roles. that is, in this world men often are in charge, and think of women as being weak minded and not as bright. and in jordan's world women are in charge and think of men as being the idiots. but even tho women have the illision of power, and certainly dont' think much of the men, the men are always stronger (in their magic, and when logain got his power back, he was stronger than before, while siuan was weaker) and the women all want to be dominated! so that argument doesn't really work with me.

to me, they're barbie dolls. all barbie dolls look the same, they just have different hair and clothes, and that's the same with jordan's women. same basic woman, different hair and clothes.

a friend of mine thinks that jordan is actually sexist. not just because of the way his women are potrayed, but ebcause of the way that they are treated. how they like to be dominated by their men, allow men to spank them (its a big rant of mine that one personally!) for me, i see them more as children. they're not very sexual (no one is tho! but seriously, three women with one man and they still blush and seem self conscious about sex? doesn't really make a lot of sense to me) and they act like kids in that, girls are better than boys sort of way.

so yeah, i hate jordan's women. i think they're totally unrealistic and more or less the same. i dislike the way that they all end up wanting a strong man to rule them, the way that they see men as being wool heads and idiots. its all very irratating and a bit offensive to me, as a woman!

but i don't like the men either :)
Nice to get some agreement on this. I wasn't aware that it was such a hot topic - never having been impelled to write about this sort of thing before.

I did take the calculated risk of posting the same thing on a board called 'WoT Mania' and was interested to see how the Jordanmaniacs responded somewhat differently to those of you have have replied here so far. To my surprise there was a good amount of measured criticism. Naturally, there were apologists arguing everything from my post being misogynistic to 'RJ' having inventing a 'technique' for explaining what a character is feeling by describing what they're doing (perhaps the WoT series is some people's first stab at novel reading?), but what can you expect from a site with the word 'mania' in the name?Anyway, if you're interested, here's the link*:


*Strictly speaking the link is there whether you're interested or not.
the_faery_queen said:
i read that he used to listen in on women's conversations to try and find out how they interact. and didn't seem to get that women in a big gang together are NOT the same as women on their own, women in mixed company, women with children. everyone is different depending on who they're with! some things you keep to yourself, other ways you can be more free. spying on women talking isn't the best way to write them!

Also, a selection of middle-aged ladies from Charleston , South Carolina may not be the most representative group upon which to spy.
vysey said:
'RJ' having inventing a 'technique' for explaining what a character is feeling by describing what they're doing
Waitaminutehere ... Am I to understand that people made the argument that Robert Jordan is a pioneer in expressing a character's feelings and emotional state through a description of their actions and mannerisms? Am I entirely misreading what you just said, or did people in fact make this claim?

Because if people really did offer this argument, I would very much love if you could provide a link, because I am right now stunned and baffled at the very notion that someone would argue this, and would probably enjoy being further stunned by reading the actual comments. There is defending the work of an author you enjoy and there is mind-numbing, stunningly-stupid idiocy ... and I do love me some idiocy now and then.

If I'm not misreading your comment, a link would be very appreciated.
I put a link to the entire thread in my penultimate post - truncated in order to sneak 'round the 'can't post links 'til you've made 15 posts' rule - and it's got some fairly amusing moments.

If reading the whole thing doesn't appeal, the specific reply I'm referring to is: http:\\www wotmania.com/wotmessageboardshowmessage.asp?MessageID=303268

Fill your boots.
Green said:
The keeper of the chronicles became an air-headed bimbo within about twenty minutes. Wtf was that all about?

The way I read it, she is PRETENDING to be an air-headed bimbo.

I still agree with most statements above though, and think it has gotten worse as the series has gone on. Strange, I remeber reading that quite a few female fans where surprised when they found out Jordan was a man, since they liked his portayal of women so much...
That was a while ago though...
I just feel that The Wheel of Time has come loose from it's wagon and has fallen into a rut. For my money, the series should have ended long ago. It has run out of steam and become formulaic. I have given up on it.

I agree with everything you've said, Vysey. :D :D :D The whole thing is getting quite laughable, I'm rather upset at myself for being a fan once (although I never liked the portrayal of the women). And yes, I would of liked the Aes Sedai to remain almost omnipotent.
I agreed with the most what vysey says, but it's too much of critiques's for me.

So i must ask: "How much differences can be between medieval females, especially from one small village?" I mean, they are already too complex.
And what differences? What womens can be used in story?
but they're not all from one small village. all jordan's women are fairly interchangable, the asme basic design with different name and likes and dislikes

its hard to explain what makes a character more vivid, but it is certainly more than appearance. i think a way of reacting to issues, certain behavioural patterns, that makes characters seem different. and that's what jordan seems to lack. his women are bossy, patronising, conceited, full of their own self worth. there isn't a lot of variety in those sorts of traits. and women from that village, and women who've been aes sedai for years, and women who are royal (elayne) all seem to act and think the same way. its as though having boobs has made their brains all work the same!

pretty crazy really.
how is it realistic? i know plenty of american women who are deeply irratated by jordan's potrayal and who think he doesn't know the first thing about women. sometimg i agree with.
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