holy :)
A series by Peirs Antony was recommended to me recently, the 'incarnations of immortality' I've read the first couple, and though the concept is quite intrieging (book one: man off the street becomes the personification of 'Death' , book two: man off the street becomes 'time' ect ect) the actual pliotlines surrounding the lead charecter are quite hack-neyed (sp?), and seem to move quite slowly. Has anyone else read these, and does the series get any better? If i could find the ruddy books in any chartiy shop/boot sale I'd read em, but since I'm gonna have to pay full wack (ok, only £8 per book, but I'm a student... thats a weeks food!) I'm trying to work out if they're actually worth it or not? Not a hint of them in any of the 3 libraries i use or in anyones book collections either (I no longer see the bloke who recommended them... he tried to steal my girfriends wallet at a houseparty, the scum) Any thoughts?