(Probably Found) Need Help Finding Book

Old Nick

Active Member
Dec 5, 2004
Gävle, Sweden
This is a loongshot.

A friend of mine is looking for a fantasy book/series he read as a kid. He can't remember the title or the authour. I don't even know if it exists in English in the first place, but here goes.
From the description I recieved, translated from Swedish:

"It inolves runes. And runemagic, those with acces to someone that can perfom runemagic can give an ability to someone else, for example strenght. If I would give my physical strenght to you, you would be extra strong while I would be almost imobilized, until you die and I get my strength back...
There is a court and a king in the story"

Not much. Doesn't ring a bell for me. Any one else recognize this?

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