My schedule for BayCon

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
This is supposed to be my final schedule.

Fri, 14:30 Adapting the Brother’s Grimm
Fri, 16:00 Themed Reading - Great Fight Scenes
Fri, 17:00 Autographs
Sat, 11:30 The Bathroom - Necessities of World Building
Sun, 10:00 Moon - Mysticism, magic, fact and Lore
Sun, 11:30 Beyond Harry Potter
Sun, 16:00 Symbolism of Animals in Fantasy
Mon, 10:00 Kaffee Klatsch
Mon, 11:30 Language Building

I have my doubts that anyone is going to turn up for informal chat-with-the-author thing on Monday morning -- when most people are either gone or getting ready to leave the convention -- but at least they moved the reading and autograph session from the Monday afternoon dead-zone to a more favorable slot on Friday.
Well I would have enjoyed the Kaffeesklatch (if I could spell the damn thing!) as that was my personal highlight from the Worldcon last year. I would have gone to every single one, even authors I've never heard of before just to hear them in 'unguarded' conversation :)

Sorry I can't be there really, I didn't really think I was nerdy enough to go to a Convention before, but once there, I found new unplumbed depths of fandom to retreat into :D
Teresa Edgerton said:
Sat, 11:30 The Bathroom - Necessities of World Building
This one sounds like it would be fun to join in on. I'm assuming 'The Bathroom' connected to world building means a 'how much detail should you give to make it real without going overboard' type of discussion. Darned shame I live over 3000 miles away. I hope you have a wonderful time and please give us a full report once it's over.
Sounds like they're going to keep you busy. I like the sound of some of your panels. I'm sure you'll get plenty of interest there. And the themed reading is an interesting idea, too. Can I guess which fight scene you'll be reading, or is it one I haven't seen yet? As an aside, I've nearly finished the first book of the Green Lion Trilogy now. It's been slow going because of all the distractions, but I'm still enjoying it. Will post a review when I'm done.

Have fun.
I agree, W_S. Until you go to one of these things, it's just about impossible to imagine how many different ways there are to entertain yourself at a convention.

dwndrgn, yes, that's my understanding of what the panel will be about -- and since I'm listed as the moderator, I suspect we'll stick pretty close to the topic. For some reason, nitpickers always bring up the question of how and when characters take care of these natural functions -- although I, personally, can think of very few things that would be as boring to read about -- particularly in any detail.

But I will certainly give a convention report, at least so far as my aging memory allows.

Mark, I haven't decided yet what scene I am going to be reading. Until yesterday, they had assigned me to a completely different "themed reading" (which I asked to have switched to something else), so there hasn't been much time to consider the matter. Since I'm supposed to share the hour slot with two other writers, that leaves me with only about 20 minutes to fill (including whatever introduction is necessary to set the scene in context), and it's going to be a challenge trimming something to fit that time frame.
Teresa, how did the conference go? Were you able to get a hold of the Sisters Grimm books I mentioned to you? I really want to read those now :) I hope everything went swimmingly!
aarti, I'm so glad to see you here! I wrote up a BayCon report over in the Conventions forum. Couldn't come up with the books you recommended in time for the event, but I'm still looking out for them.
Good to see you, too, Teresa :) I'll go look for the Conventions forum, and if I find the books before you, I'll let you know what I think. I don't know if you saw my message in the Child of Saturn forum, but I just read the Green Lion trilogy and I found it excellent- I love how you have strong female villains :-D

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