My Favorite cover is :-


Cyber Pest
May 18, 2006
I have spent many months making a webby about Fantasy Art.

And in this pursuit made many friends both artists and collectors

So tell me your Favorite Moorcock Cover.

My mate ownes Elric - the Wiered of the White Wolf !
If I had to pick? The original British dj for The Revenge of the Rose -- I bought the book about three years ago (at a hefty price) just for that dj, as I had the text in two other editions. Wonderful use of rose and gold; very striking wraparound.
In 1973, i bought some imports from England. They were "Phoenix in Obsidian" and "The Final Program" published by Mayflower. The covers of these two include images that would never, EVER, get published in America. Wild!
My favourite is the Mayflower pb cover of The Jewel In The Skull.

And now I'm going to have to start reading it again...
Corum, not to sure why I just love that cover, some of the new ones are quite nice as well.
Foxbat said:
My favourite is The Dragon In The Sword. :)

You mean this one?


  • Dragon in the Sword.jpg
    Dragon in the Sword.jpg
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Some more classic covers by Mayflower.


  • The Black Corridor.jpg
    The Black Corridor.jpg
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  • The Shores of Death.jpg
    The Shores of Death.jpg
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  • Time Dweller.jpg
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  • Winds of Limbo.jpg
    Winds of Limbo.jpg
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HMMM...I particularly like the cover for The Winds Of Limbo. The Black Corridor isn't too bad either.

It's a shame the VG Fantasy Masterwork covers aren't more inspiring though.

Good to see some more Moorcock fans on board too...:)
Ew, I really dislike that dreamthiefs daughter cover. I sold mine on ebay, to replace it with the US version (also the US versions matches skrayling tree and white wolf which aren't available in the UK). I also dislike the silverheart covers, both UK and US.

My favourite Moorcock covers are the grafton paperback 'sailor on the seas of fate', and all the pheonix house covers (byzantium endures, laughter of carthage, brothel, gloriana). I also like the first editions of the UK cornelius books, entropy tango and una persson...
Moorcock's had so many great covers over the decades that it's hard to pick just one. If pressed I'd probably choose the Flamingo edition of Gloriana (*you* know the one I mean ;)) but the original covers for The Brothel in Rosenstrasse, Death is No Obstacle and Into the Media Web are all up there as well.

Bob Haberfield is, of course, the quintessential original Moorcock cover artist and his cover for The Eternal Champion is probably my favourite.

However, in terms of a cover set, there's no doubt to my mind that Stephen Parker's fabulous covers for the 'Between the Wars' quartet have yet to be surpassed:

The cover for The Vanishing Tower, art by Michael Whelan.

I saw that cover on the shelves many years ago, and it's what got me to pick up and read the Elric series.

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