(Found) Help finding a series of sci-fi books


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
Hi All,

I'm in a competition online and I'm stuck on a particular question and I would really appreciate some help. I dont really know much about science fiction and I thought you guys would be the perfect ones to ask. Here is the question

A well-known science fiction writer wrote a series of 7 novels, one of which was about Lucifer. Name all 7 of the books.

Hope you can help!!


Makes me think of the Piers Anthony series Incarnations of Immortality - but it's fantasy

On a Pale Horse
Bearing and Hourglass
With a Tangled Skien
Wielding a Red Sword
Being a Green Mother
For Love of Evil - about the devil
And Eternity
It depends what they mean be 'well-known'. Also, if they mean Lucifer as a the fallen angel of Chrstio-Judaen mythology, that seems to conflict with it being SF.

I don't know if Lucifer per se appears in it (as I haven't read it), but Stephen King's The Dark Tower cycle sounds like a candidate (although that isn't SF). CS Lewis' Narnia series also sounds possible (Lucifer is paralleled in it, but doesn't appear directly). Lucifer does put a 'proper' appearance in Neil Gaiman's Sandman series (but that's eleven books) and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials (but that's three books) and The Vampire Chronicles (ten books to date).
It could be the incarnations series; Piers Anthony is a famous author, and has written science fiction (macroscope, of man and manta, etc.) The question does not state specifically that the series is science fiction (although it woud be a bit unfair) However, love of evil is specifically about one incarnation of evil, and he doesn't go by the name Lucifer (presumably an earlier incumbent)
Lucifer, light bringer. I might just have an idea. Or not. If yes, I'll be back when I've researched it.
Thought it might be the Mike Resnick "Lucifer Jones" book, but I can't find any others in the series. Sorry
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Yes, without a little more information, this could be a bit difficult. If it's fantasy, there's also Moorcock's Von Bek novels; certainly The War Hound and the World's Pain has Lucifer as a main character; and the Von Bek family motto is "Do Thou the Devil's Work", which runs, in one sense or another, throughout the series; yet these run the gamut of sf, fantasy, and contemporary fiction. Plus there's the fact that you can add in the books of "The Second Ether", which include von Beks (Rose, for example), and we have bits of Lucifer there (The War Amongst the Angels); but that in turn ties in with an Elric story as well, from Tales of the White Wolf.....

we just submitted our answer as the Piers Anthony series. Thanks everyone for your help and I'll be sure to let you know what the "correct" answer was!!

I was thinking of Moorcock as well, but then feared delving too deep into that morass was inviting mental confusion. Also, I couldn't eliminate enough novels/short stories to pear it down to 'seven books'.
Werthead said:
I was thinking of Moorcock as well, but then feared delving too deep into that morass was inviting mental confusion. Also, I couldn't eliminate enough novels/short stories to pear it down to 'seven books'.
This can only be done if you're completely ruthless!

Who'm I kidding -- it's impossible!!!!
The correct answer was Piers Anthony!!!

Thank you everyone for your input and help!!!

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