

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2005
wasn't really sure where to post this, not really sure if this applies to anyone here either, but three girls i know, who have had their stories published on online websites, have had them pinched by the SAME very stupid individial

this person has been warned, quantum muse are considering court action, i think, but this person is STILL stealing and posting stories

i thought i should let people know in case anyone has had a story published in quantum muse, or an online website, and wanted to see if theirs was up there.

Hunt him down and remove his fingers with pliers? No, too gruesome. I would join every place his is a member at, contact admins and everyone I can think of--heck, I would probably start a forum called "Whatshisname is a plagiarizing thief" and see who else has this problem. What a jerk. I hope he gets the chicken pox.
Which stories are nicked?

By the way, you can leave comments on that blog. I bet we can spam his blog full of "hey you [insert insult]" comments.
Anyone who publishes *anything* online has to accept the risks of the work being copied without authorisation.

I know there are people here who would see it more as an issue of plagiarism, but the sad fact is that a lot of people are turning to copying data from websites, republishing it, simply to place ads on it - usually Google AdSense. And Google doesn't give a flying monkeys about it.

I know a lot of people still view Google in a positive light, but in my industry, I get to see Google powered and financing a huge industry in spam content and copyright theft - and they will do nothing to stop it, even if you report it.
yeah, its awful. i doubt google will doa thing, but hopefully the blogspot people who hoast it will. quantum muse are not happy, cos its stories from their mag being nicked, which they paid for from writers

and marky, im afraid, they ALL are nicked! i can't know for sure, but considering three of them were taken from quantum muse, its kinda a safe bet they all were. i know the feline queen was, my friend joey wrote that. another friend has her story copied, but i can't remember the title. and the third story has now been removed. so blogspot are removing stories, but not bothered to delete the account behind it.

it's a scarey thing really. i always feared plagirism from having my story on a critique website. i never considered it could be nicked from a magazine that had paid me for it!
I did a little search and it appears that the first three stories on the site are all stolen from Quantum Muse, and some comments left on the third story showed a lot of complaints.
Speaking of plagiarism, as a mod in another forum, I had this kid post a monologue (secret track) done by slipknot. He said his girlfriend wrote it. I said, um, no...she did not. I deleted the post, and he continued to argue with me. So I perma banned him.

What made me laugh the hardest was:

"My girlfriend wrote this. She would never lie to me. I think you are just being a jealous ****"

I had to explain to him that 1: My husband and his best friend run a radio show, my dad, ex, and uncles were all in bands, so I know my music. 2: It wasn't that GREAT of a piece. Not that would inspire jealousy.


PS: I also have a habit, in my forum, of googling the first, middle and last lines if I think it was plagiarized. I know, not the best resource, but it seems to work...I've caught a few.

Another example of plagiarism I came across was some girl posted the old cowboy poem that johnny cash sang about the train? And said she wrote it to enter our halloween contest. Again, she argued with me so I permabanned her. I grew up in the NW US....we have cowboy poets and songs galore. LOL.

I hate plagiarism. Its worse than theft.