please don't compare goodkind to gemmel even if they may have a few similiar themes, they're miles apart in talent.
i read goodkind. four books at least, so i think i can comment on that at least. i couldn't have read the rest. i just couldn't have stomached any more rape. *shrug* and the chicken scene, well it scared my friend ken, but it just made me cry with laughter. im sorry. there's just nothing scarey abotu a chicken, even a demented one. seeing it out of context does, perhaps, take away some of the tension and atmosphere that would be there if we read the whole thing and knew the setting and so on. but it still wouldn't change the fact that it's a chicken. *shrug*
but don't put yourself down! just because you're young, doesn't mean you're not smart or you are misguided or that your views don't matter. because they do you may love the series when you're far older and wiser too (my friend ken loves them and he's 27 and graduated cambridge. age and intellegence has no bearings on what you like or what you thik ) it's just that i don't like them myself. don't let what we say ruin it for you or make you doubt your own opinions. you thik what you want
hi 'the faery queen' do you live in Swansea Australia N.S.W cause i'm in Newcastle.
My personal opinion about Gemmel Vs Goodkind is that Gemmel is a pretty simple writer compared to Goodkind. Gemmel has the same themes through most of his books (except lion of macedon/dark prince, rigante series and his single books) with small numbers of people triumphing over greater odds etc etc. Whereas from my point of view Goodkind has amazing ideas and the way he drops little tibits of information to get you thinking and then ties them all in is simply brillant and found myself becoming a seeker of truth.
And yes i agree the rape and violence is a bit much personally i got a bit freaked out reading the part when Richard was captured by the mord sith. But don't get me wrong i like Gemmel so much i bought his complete workings read his books two and three times and can't wait for the final book in his Troy Trilogy.
A few people i talked get dishearted around Goodkinds third and fourth book and yes it is a little dry but once i start something i have to finish it, but you missed out on some brillant books in his 'faith of the fallen' (6), 'chainfire' (9), and 'phantom' (10). When i first read Phantom i could not put it down, i read it in about 3 days, this one is amazing and sets it up for a great finsh that i can't wait for.
Your right it is people's personal opinion, most writers i read i really like and am not really a very criticising person and nothing anyone says will change my opinion of what i like and dislike.
Each year i get older i look back on things i've said and done and say 'what was i thinking' and hope as i get older and wiser that i will continue liking the writers i have already read. It's a damm shame we have lost a writer as good as David Gemmel