Steven King Short Stories


Jun 25, 2006
Hi, all - I was just wondering if anybody's got any links to SK shorts online, please? I've read a few of his novels and wasn't overly impressed, but I'd like to check out a few of his short stories to see if they're better.

I doubt there are any available on open sites, but I thought it was worth a try before hitting the library. Thanks. :)
I can't think of any that are online. If you go to the library, find the collection that has the story "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" in it. It was the basis for the movie and is a fantastic read. Personally, I think Stephen King is a far better writer than most give him credit for; although, two things go against him. 1) he writes so fast that sometimes his work can get overwritten or at least, 2) not always his best work is put forth. However, I still think The Shining is a phenomenal book and if you want a fantastic read (though it's not much a horror story) I highly recommend Bag of Bones.
Thanks for the suggestions, Stuart.

I think you're right about his work being overwritten - it saps the pace out of the story. I'm fascinated with what it is that makes him one of the most prolific, best selling authors of the 20th Century. After all, he must be doing something right. Perhaps it's that his work is easy for the huddled masses to follow. I think an author's success can be self perpetuating, though, at least to a certain extent, especially when practically everything he ever writes gets made into a movie or a TV series. He does come up with some good ideas for stories (I suppose that helps, too). :p
The thing is, King's short stories prove that he can rein in when he wants to. Which leads me to suspect that his longer fiction is very long because he wants it to be, not because he can't or won't edit.

To a certain extent, Clive Barker is the same way. His short stories are very succinct, but then again he wrote Imagica, which is also very good, but so long that it is often published in two volumes.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this thread. I lose track sometimes from forum to forum. Anyway.....

While I agree that King shows through various writing forms (short stories, novellas, novels) that he can "rein in" if he chooses, and I also agree that he feels the longer length pieces should be that length, that does inherently mean that he is correct. Yes, he has a good ear for these things, but again, that does not mean he is always correct. Often an artist cannot see the forest for the trees. I have no doubt that several of his doorstop-sized books could have improved drastically if they had been a bit leaner and meaner.

Having said all this, I do want to point out that in my original post I began by praising his work. I'm a big King fan. I just don't think he walks on water.:eek::D
I just don't think he walks on water.:eek::D

I do! I bloody love the guy! I love all his books, I will not hear me say that I hate any of this books (I may dislike elements, but I still love the books as a whole!) He comes up with some fantastic ideas (I was particularly struck by the idea behind Cell, I really enjoyed that book, I consider it one of his best) and he style of writing is great. And I agree that it can seem that he does get carried away with a story (the Stand comes to mind immediately), but yes, he can also show his talent with short stories as well.
Love the guy.
Truly do!
There aren't any King tales available for reading online. I've looked several times myself and I do wish there were. He's a good writer but the man does not walk on water. I've been reading both his books and short stories for many moons now and he's got some of the most apalling endings. I always want to ask what on earth he was thinking about introducing the hand of god or a giant spider into the end of a frightening novel full of suspense right up to that point.

The first book of his that I read was Salem's Lot and given my love for vampires I was quickly hooked. He also had a different way of looking at it and in many instances I found myself standing on the side of the vampire. It seemed as if he were less of a monster than some of the people in the town. it was the same with Cycle of The Werewolf. My favourite is probably IT despite the giant spider and I love his short stories.

I think Popsie is one of the best vampire tales for being unexpected. King has some misses but then so do most other writers. But all in all he's a very good writer and always worth a read.
Blimey....I'd forgoten about Popsie...*goes and hunts it out*...I love most of his short stories, as well as the books.
I thought Dolan's Cadilac was brilliant but his novella Shawshanks Redemption is just the best.
I like Stephen King's short stories and novellas in general a good deal more than his (several stretched out) novels. I'd recommend the following collections:

Different Seasons
Skeleton Crew
Night Shift

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