The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame

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Lost Boy
Feb 4, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
The Chronicles Network Hall of Fame - Top Twenty-Five

1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien (16 votes, 124 points)

2. A Game of Thrones – ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, George RR Martin (10 votes, 78 points)

3. Memories of Ice – ‘Malazan Book of the Fallen’, Steven Erikson (9 votes, 66 points)

4. Dune, Frank Herbert (9 votes, 62 points)

5. A Storm of Swords – ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, George RR Martin (6 votes, 55 points)

6. Magician, Raymond E. Feist (4 votes, 29 points)

7. Gormenghast, Mervn Peake (4 votes, 25 points)

8. The Thousandfold Thought – ‘Prince of Nothing’ Book 3, R Scott Bakker (3 votes, 22 points)

=9. The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K LeGuin (2 votes, 19 points)

=9. Tigana, Guy Gavriel Kay (4 votes, 19 points)

11. The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut Jr (3 votes, 18 points)

=12. Foundation, Isaac Asimov (3 votes, 17 points)

=12. Shadow of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafon (2 votes, 17 points)

=12. The Deadhouse Gates, ‘Malazan Book of the Fallen’, Steven Erikson (3 votes, 17 points)

=12. The Dragonbone Chair – ‘Memory, Sorrow and Thorn’, Tad Williams (2 votes, 17 points)

=16. American Gods, Neil Gaiman (2 votes, 15 points)

=16. The Forever War, Joe Halderman (3 votes, 15 points)

=16. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams (3 votes, 15 points)

=19. Aegypt, John Crowley (2 votes, 14 points)

=19. At The Mountains Of Madness and Other Novels, HP Lovecraft (2 votes, 14 points)

=19. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (4 votes, 14 points)

=19. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett (2 votes, 14 points)

=19. Northern Lights/The Golden Compass – ‘His Dark Materials’, Phillip Pullman (4 votes, 14 points)

=19. Silverlock, John Myers Myers (2 votes, 14 points)

25. A Clash of Kings, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, George RR Martin (3 votes, 13 points)


(Respondants: 35)

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The Chronicles Network Series Hall of Fame

1. A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin (20 points, 153 points)
A Game of Thrones (10 votes, 78 points)
A Clash of Kings (3 votes, 13 points)
A Storm of Swords (6 votes, 55 points)
A Feast for Crows (1 vote, 7 points)

2. Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson (14 votes, 92 points)
Memories of Ice (9 votes, 66 points)
Midnight Tides (2 votes, 9 points)
The Deadhouse Gates (3 votes, 17 points)

3. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake (7 votes, 35 points)
Titus Groan (2 votes, 6 points)
Gormenghast (4 votes, 25 points)
The Gormenghast Trilogy (1 vote, 4 points)

= 4. Discworld, Terry Pratchett (5 votes, 29 points)
Guards! Guards! (2 votes, 14 points)
Small Gods (2 votes, 11 points)
Going Postal (1 vote, 4 points)

= 4. Foundation, Isaac Asimov (5 votes, 29 points)
Foundation (3 votes, 17 points)
Foundation and Empire (1 vote, 7 points)
The Foundation Trilogy (1 vote, 5 points)

= 4. Riftwar, Raymond E Feist (4 votes, 29 points)
Magician (4 votes, 29 points)

= 7. The Chronicles of Narnia, CS Lewis (6 votes, 24 points)
The Magician’s Nephew (1 vote, 5 points)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2 votes, 11 points)
The Horse and his Boy (1 vote, 2 points)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1 vote, 2 points)
The Last Battle (1 vote, 4 points)

= 7. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, Tad Williams (3 votes, 24 points)
The Dragonbone Chair (2 votes, 17 points)
To Green Angel Tower (1 vote, 7 points)

9. Urth: Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe (3 votes, 20 points)
Book of the New Sun Omnibus (1 vote, 9 points)
Shadow of the Torturer (2 votes, 11 points)

10. Sprawl, William Gibson (2 votes, 18 points)
Neuromancer (1 vote, 9 points)
Mona Lisa Overdrive (1 vote, 9 points)

11. His Dark Materials, Phillip Pullman (5 votes, 15 points)
Northern Lights/The Golden Compass (4 votes, 14 points)
The Amber Spyglass (1 vote, 1 point)
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