(Partly Found) Ok, need 2 titles and/or authors pretty please


New Member
Aug 13, 2006
Two novels/novellas not sure. Prob dating from the late 70''s of 80's

1. Man on planet, surrounded by silicon based life forms, they heal him and he discovers he's now a hybrid. I was thinking Silverberg, but can't find anything like it by him :(

2. People discover planet, discover life on it, communicate with it. Turns out the life on the planet is much slower than for the humans involved (or vice versa, not quite sure, fog of time and all that lol), communication is very difficult and stretched out, evolution becomes an issue. At one point communication is achieved through knots in string, interesting homage to old storytelling tradition here.

Appreciate any hints or tips finding these, looked thru the threads to see if I could help anyone, alas no :(
Your first question reminds me of Alan Dean Fosters' "Sentenced to Prism".

The planet Prism is unique in the Humanx Commonwealth because its entire ecosystem is silicon instead of carbon-based. Evan Orgell finds himself trapped on this planet not only because he has been cut off from human contact and escape via space ship, but because he is physically and mentally trapped within the specialized spacesuit designed to keep him safe from the dangerous weather on his native planet. He must overcome his physical and mental shortcoming in order to secure his own rescue.

The second one I think i might have read but the knotted string/queipo?..is throwing me to a Clive Cussler book,sorry.
your second one reminds me of a short story by anne maccaffrey, though no string. it was an unusual maccaffry story as it had quite a hair raising ending, not her usual feel good. the aliens were trees and the people ate them, then had to give up bits of body parts at the end.
or, could be The Companions, by sherri s tepper. where the humans are trying to colonise the planet, Moss, but must first make sure no sentient life on the planet. the planet however is sentient and communicates with 'strings' of scented flower pods released from its messengers,the willog. the hero of the story is jewel delis, trying to find ahome for the last dogs on earth. her brother is the linguist brought in by the colonisation staff to try to communicate their needs.
very well written
Sentenced to Prism! Ty, tyvm! Now I can go look for it :)

As to the second, I might be non-remembering the string bit, but I don't have much to work with otherwise LOL The one thing that really stands out is the part about the different time/evolution scales. I think with the native life evolving faster.

Looked up Tepper and McCaffrey, nothing rings a bell unfortunately, I'll keep hunting.

Thanks again :)
