Whi Is Your Favorite "Guest" Character -


System Lord of ASciFi.com
Jul 21, 2000

I know, it's difficult to choose because as I go back through each episode in my mind I say 'Oh, that one'. Then another one pops up.
I really liked the Nox and out of all of them I liked the older fellow the most and I have no real reason for it. I enjoyed watching him when he was on screen and I liked hearing him speak. Even though he wasn't central to the story, his interaction with Daniel was interesting to me.

But then I'm a little wierd. <G>


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

Hathor was pretty good. I liked the idea of the episode and the power she had. I think the Nox was definitely one of the best episodes of the whole series although I am not sure if I really liked any of the characters that much. As there were quite a few we did not get to know them that well. I will have to think about this more after I have re watched the series 1 eps again, I realise how much I need to do that after setting this place up!
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

I agree with padders. I like Hathor. I was really disappointed when she died in Season 3. Watch her miraculously come back and surprise us all.

Hehe i missed that episode. I have been looking through the list of episodes and have missed quite a few of season 3 (specially the earlier ones), hopefully they will be out on dvd soon and i can catch up :)
Hathor was great, i am sure they can find a way to resurect here if they feel the need!

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

The two Hathor eps were the season cliffhanger for the 2nd season (Out of Mind) and, of course, the 3rd season opener (Into the Fire). SB is great as Hathor. She just oozes the part. <G>

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

Hathor is one of my fav also. She wouldnt even need the snake to get me to follow her :) I would like a date with her but what would I do....rent a movie (I guess StarGate:the Movie would be a bad choice) or maybe do something she likes (always a very good idea on a first date) but what? enslave a primative population,overthrow a rival system lord :) And bringing her home to meet the folks might be a bad idea (Mom,this is Hathor...and heres the snake that lives in her belly....). Then again maybe it wouldnt work out,to many differences that couldnt be worked out ("I really think killing the whole native polulation is a little excessive,my love,just because they misspelled your name on the temple as Hate-thor"). o-well.

hehe, especially then if she breathed on your dad and had him following around after her, could get a little annoying :)
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

suggest they go watch "American Beauty"?
i think explaning the goa'uld is a bit more of a problem, would sort of put me off as well i think - but i guess i am just picky

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

A typical date with the love goddess Hathor:
You come out of the Stargate only to see people point guns at you and after Hathor acts like she's coughing, you see everyone lower their guns. Then when you go outside, you see people running around away from her and then little snakes following after them. And then on the way home, she puts holes in people's stomachs, then she says"I had fun my love" steals your DNA and runs through the Gate. hehe

Check out SG 2070 at http://www.geocities.com/~casey10060/stargate
Next week it'll be http://www.sg2070.com

No more, no more :)
I am more than convinced that Hathor would be the original "blinddate from hell"
Beside Mom definitely would not be able to get over the whole snake in the belly thing.

Harlan is simply the best!!!!!
The only reason Hathor would be a favourite chartacter is because she's hot

I'm really surprised that no one has said Urgo. I think it would be kind of fun to revisit him and see if he's made any "headway" into changing the attitude of his counterpart.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

HEh Heh....yah that a good idea for a sequel show....what would URGO belike after spending time the scientist's brain and even more funny what would the scientist be like. Probably a MAD SCIENTIST in both senses of the word :)

No one has said Urgo because Urgo is not a series one character.... i have not seen the ep but going by what he looks like i think he will be like Harlan
Probably Kawalski and Jacob Carter/Selmac. But I haven't seen all episodes from season 3 yet.

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