Teal'c and his Larva


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2000

How old is teal's larvae? I think it is quite new istn't. They stole it from somewhere in one of the eps i think as he gave his old one to his son. (guessing the ep is "family" but not sure".
They take 7 years to mature i think so I guess that he is going to be ok for a while. Otherwise they need to get him another. I am surprised they have not attempted to get another just in case the one he has gets injured. Any old captured Jaffa would do :)

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

That one would have been Bloodlines. Hopefully, they'll have figured out a way to get his immune system working again before the 7 years are up and if now, SG1 could always make another foray back to Chulak ... or rely on the Tok'ra to get him one.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

I seem to remember him saying HE was 90 something...im not sure if that would make his larva the same age..?

What would happen if he got a real goa'uld, like a tok'ra? Would his immune system still fail? I think that a tok'ra would be the way to go.

No, the goa'uld is new, they got it in one of the episodes (bloodlines)
After 7 years the goa'uld inside him (immature one) turns into a full blown goa'uld. If a host is not found for it then it will take over Teal'c. The idea will probably be to kill it and get another immature one. If he did turn into a Goa'uld (ie the end of Tealc) then yet it would still act as his immune system.

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Becoming a host to a Tok'ra would be one way for Teal'c to go, but I lean towards the idea that they will just find him another larvae to act as incubator for. I think that Teal'c would have a big problem with being a host, even one to a Tok'ra.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

I agree, although i just watched Show And Tell for the first time and of the characters he looked at the Tok'ra the least distrustfully. Hammon and Jack especially do not seem to trust them 100%.
But yes, he i would be very surprised for him to become a Tok'ra.

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Then Teal'c had a lot of Larvae's if they need to be removed after 7 years and he is around 90... In what episode did they say it would take 7 years?
Teal'c as a Tok'ra??? Nooooooooooo I don't really trust them. We share the same enemy, but they only do what is good for the Tok'ra. And I think they are not giving away the whole picture about their race. Some things they are just not telling us...

What are you crasy!!! Oh, you are...sorry...

You know I can't remember which episode it was. I thought it was Bloodlines, but I'm not sure. Guess I'll have to go back through the videos and check.
The torture.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

I'm feeding my parants cat, watching the house and all, in this little village I grew up. It is ssooooooooooo boring!!! I want my own house in the city again, stupid birds keep waking me up at 6.00...darn...And I forgot to bring my Stargate tapes :(
It was bloodlines were Rya'c (sp?) got his first Goa'uld. But as he is in the Land of Light now, how will he get a larvae?

If you are going to watch the tape again pay attention to the end, the glyphs on the DHD are not lit while the gate is open. Weird!

What are you crasy!!! Oh, you are...sorry...

Well Ry'ac has probably 5 years or so before his matures so he isn't in any danger right now. I would imagine they'll find him one somewhere from someone - the Tok'ra maybe.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

I remember for some reason that it takes many years for Goa'uld larvae to mature. Not seven years. They don't even take hosts that fast. That means that they take hundreds of new hosts every hour but they only have so many Jaffa.
Don't usually when they take hosts that new Goa'uld falls into a famly rank with a system Lord? I mean Sha'ure and Skaara did. And we havn't seen anyone else taken host yet either.

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I'm not exactly sure what you mean. From Bloodlines we might be able to assume that there aren't that many Goa'uld larvae running around. There weren't that many in that jar that Sam and Daniel found. There were probably around 20-30 (maybe) in that tub with Hathor and we don't know how often they reproduce. They might not birth new larvae frequently - only as they are needed. We also don't know exactly how many Jaffa there are. If the entire male population of a planet like Chulack were Jaffa then that could be quite a few. I don't think we've been shown enough to know all those answers.
We have seen other's taken host, well a couple anyway, Kawalski and Jack. We don't know if they were anyone's family though.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

Sean, we know they don't. It is either 7 or 9 years I can't remember. Then when that is matured the Jaffa just get another.
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Spoiler season three
Hope I did this correct :)
Doesn't Teal'c explain that in the episode "the learning curve", to the little boy. Darn, what was his name!!!! Ulas noo, Merrin was the girl...aaahhh...help!
If a schizophrenic threatens with suicide, are we talking about a hostage
situation then?
a) Anyone recall which ep. says that they take 7 years to mature (quoted in other threads) - or was that the Orban (Learning Curve) spoiler?

b) We are doing all the sums for Teal'c - what about Bra'tac who is 50% older!

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