Some of my favorite lines:
You think we call you alien because you're from Chulak? Ha! (Jack)
Could be their national past time for all we know -- maybe they have low blood sug... (Jack)
ah, ah, ah, get back, comeon, get back. Fine, knock yourselves out. Go ahead. Go play in the street. Don't forget your sunblock. (Jack)
I'm going to stick around and work on this quarantine thing with plant boy here. (Jack)
Daniel: Well we have to do something.
Jack: I agree with you, but I haven't had the brilliant revalations you seem to have had.
Jack: Well maybe you could try coming up with something a little bit better than inappropriate sarcasm.
Jack: You want sarcasm. Nice to meet ya.
Then there is that whole conversation between the two after that.
The Woolfden: