I like how Jack kept interrupting Daniel when he's lecturing them all.
The history and politics of the Goa'uld is interesting, though I still don't see why the Asgard left it so long to take notice of what the Goa'uld were doing. It must be one hell of an enemy they're up against. Why were Nurti and Yu so very concerned about Cronos? He's still a rival in the long run, isn't he?
Sam got promoted, good for her. Though saying she's acted beyond the call of duty is putting it lightly.
That stuff about Teal'c's Dad. Got a 'bit' of an issue with Cronos....... Teal'c confided in Daniel, whereas I'd of expected Jack.
'Fair Game' overall, gave more depth to the stargate universe, and, to put it bluntly, what kind of s**t our Tau'ri people have stepped into by opening the Gate in the first place.